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Associations and Trade Unions

Memorial Day...........A day that conjures up patriotic images and thoughts........duty, honor, country. Many of your members may be veterans themselves or have family members that have answered the call to service when their Nation needed them most.

As Memorial Day approaches, it is time to reflect on the sacrifice made by those brave men and women who gave their lives for our country. It is time to consider how their fight for freedom has impacted our everyday lives and made this country a better place. That is why at 3:00 p.m. (local time) on May 29 there will be a "National Moment of Remembrance", a one minute pause to honor our fallen heros.

Listed below are suggestions on how associations and trade unions can promote the "National Moment of Remembrance" as Memorial Day approaches. Get involved. Your participation will truly make the "National Moment of Remembrance" a "Moment to Remember."

  • Display a "National Moment of Remembrance" poster in your building or office lobby.

  • Include remarks in speeches reminding people of the upcoming event.

  • Link to the "National Moment of Remembrance" web site at

  • Put information in your newsletters explaining about the "National Moment of Remembrance."

  • Send an email or memorandum to all employees explaining the "National Moment of Remembrance."

  • Create a "Roll Call of Remembrance" web page. Employees can input their name, relationship to deceased, name of loved one, when they died, where they died and branch of service (other, i.e. foreign service).

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