One America Youth
Little Bar

A Better Chance, Inc. A Boston, Massachusetts program that places gifted minority high school students in quality college preparatory schools

Action for a Better Community A Denver-based organization founded in 1992 to campaign for the improvement of living conditions of minorities in Colorado

Al Wooten Jr. Heritage Center A Los Angeles, CA-based center that provides young people with programs that will enhance their educational and personal lives

Alternatives in Medicine: HIGH School Exposure Program A program in Dallas that provides underrepresented minority high school students with access to information about and exposure to minority role models in the health profession

Anytown The program is an award-winning summer program created by The National Conference for youth and emerging leaders to focus on reducing prejudice and increasing understanding among people of different races and ethnicities

ASPIRA A program that motivates Puerto Rican youth to stay in school and offer them career guidance

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America Diversity Initiatives A special effort implemented by Big Brothers Big Sisters of America to increase diversity among the staff and volunteers

BRIDGES: A School Inter Ethnic Relations Program A Santa Ana, CA program that values racial and ethnic diversity in schools

Camp Friendship Camp Friendship, in Memphis, TN, provides a bicultural learning experience for American and refugee youth while fostering respect for the cultures differences of others.

Children's Express An organization that reaches out to youth across economic, academic, racial and cultural lines, and assists them in producing a monthly news service through which they can share their opinions

Children's Outreach Center An East Palo Alto, CA center that works with children and mothers to promote self-esteem

City at Peace A program that teaches young people conflict-resolution skills and leadership principles

Coalition for Asian Pacific American Youth Coalition for Asian Pacific American Youth, Boston, MA, is a youth-led multi-ethnic and multiracial coalition for advocacy.

Community Minority and Cultural Center, CASE Program A program which fosters understanding between the diverse youth of Lynn and local police officers

Community-Based Fire Protection Program, Los Angeles Fire Department A Los Angeles Fire Department effort to promote community and involvement and better integrate itself into Los Angeles' socially and ethnically diverse communities through a variety of education and outreach projects

Cradleboard Teaching Project The Hawaii-based project nurtures the self-esteem of both Indian and non-Indian children by improving cultural awareness and relations

Cultural Sensitivity: Orientation for the New Juvenile Justice Professional Center for Juvenile Justice Training and Research, implemented a program to train juvenile justice probation officers to become more familiar with and sensitive to their clients' cultures

Delhi Center The Delhi Center is a nonprofit organization that works with a diverse Hispanic community to address social, economic and immigration issues in Santa Ana, California

Discovery: A Leadership Program for Girls and Women A New York, NY program that increases girls' and women's sense of leadership ability

Diversity Team Project A project which teaches youth in San Jose, California lessons on race relations and similarities among different cultures

Double Discovery Center A New York, NY program that assists minority students who exhibit serious academic need, while instilling them with confidence, pride, curiosity and hope needed to complete secondary school and embark upon the path of higher education

DreamYard Drama Project A New York NY project that places professional artists in inner-city classrooms to build leadership and promote literacy among children

Education Alliance in Equity and Excellence in the Nation's Schools An alliance of people committed to supporting and strengthening racially integrated educational settings

El Puente El Puente is a community and youth leadership movement focused on strengthening the local community by organizing and supporting initiatives in community health, education, the arts, the environment and the local economy

Facing History and Ourselves A non-profit foundation devoted to helping middle and high school students by teaching about the dangers of indifference and the values of civility

Flames A Brooklyn, NY program designed to bring young people of different racial backgrounds together to build long-lasting relationships

Food Project A Lincoln, MA summer program that brings together different teenagers to participate in the hands-on preparation of food

Fulfillment Fund The Los Angeles-based organization assists disadvantaged students in completing high school and advancing their education

Gallery 37 Gallery 37 attempts to address concerns within the local community and national industry with regards to the job skills of youth entering the work place and the defacto segregation in the elementary and secondary public school systems.

Global Kids, Inc. A New York-based program that teaches young people about global issues

Hartford Areas Rally Together A Hartford, CT community development organization that focuses on employment, youth, housing and community mobilization issues

Human Efforts at Relating Together: A Student Mediation Program The Los Angeles-based program was created in 1991 to encourage and train youth as conflict-resolution facilitators in on-campus disputes

Human Relations Foundation of Chicago A Chicago, IL foundation that works to reduce racial and religious tensions and eradicate racism in the city

I Have a Dream A Washington, D.C.-based program that provides academic support to students so they will eventually attend college

Inner Strength, Inc. An Atlanta, GA-based anti-gang program that offers tutoring and mentoring to young men

Kids' World, The Children's International Festival A Tulsa, OK-based festival that features activities which teach children about different cultures

La Casa de Don Pedro, Inc. A Newark, New Jersey-based program that provides a multitude of community services to the racially and ethnically diverse North Ward population

M.O.S.A.I.C. Leadership Class A Sunnyvale, CA class for high school students to share ideas and attitudes they have about race and diversity

Men Against Destruction - Defending Against Drugs and Social Disorder Inc. The Omaha-based organization was founded in 1989 to address the well-being of young people in the community

Metropolitan Indochinese Children and Adolescent Services (MICAS)-South Cove MICAS provides mental health and social services to the Southeast Asian community, and collaborates with other community-based organizations to facilitate joint youth activities that foster inter-ethnic understanding in Lynn, Massachusetts

Mickey Leland Kibbutzim Internship Foundation A Houston, TX foundation that sends high schools students to Israel for work and travel experience

Middle School Institute for the Study of World Peace A Northridge, California program that engages middle school students in a year long study of the requisite conditions for peace and fosters an understanding of diversity

Multicultural Youth Project A Chicago, Illinois program that promotes multiethnic understanding among Chicago's immigrant and refugee youth

National Youth Leadership Mission to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum A Chicago, IL-based program that teaches young people how to fight bigotry and discrimination

National Youth Sports Program A national resource that provides economically disadvantaged young people with a summer enrichment program which promote job skills, personal health and drug prevention within the framework of sports education

Native American Day A Fallon, NV-based activity that educates elementary children about Native American culture

Network to Freedom Interpretive Studies Program A Goldboro, NC program that teaches young people about race-related events in American and South African history

North Carolina Students Teach and Reach Program A North Carolina based program that trains college students to facilitate discussions on race in North Carolina secondary schools

Northeastern University's Center for the Study of Sport in Society A Boston, MA-based organization that examines the how sports relate to different societal issues, including race

Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment A Seattle, WA coalition committed to ending discriminatory violence and organized bigotry

Operation Understanding DC A Washington, DC based program that works to rebuild the Black-Jewish alliance by training youth to actively fight racism, anti-Semitism and all forms of discrimination

Peace Games A Sommerville, MA-based program that works with young children and their families to create safe schools and teach the value of respecting people of different racial and ethnic backgrounds

Prejudice Awareness Summit A Washington, D.C. summit for middle school students to speak openly about prejudging others

PRIDE -- Power Represented by Individuals who value Diversity and Equality An Abington Friends School effort to foster discussions on race, promote conflict resolution, and celebrate different cultures

Project Harmony A Volusia County, FL effort involving classroom training and weekend retreats, designed to cultivate student leaders in middle school and to promote ethnic harmony

Project Uplift Project Uplift stimulates interest in mathematics, science and engineering, helps young people prepare for careers in these fields and works to ensure that participants are reflective of the population mix of New Mexico

Public Allies A Washington, D.C. program that encourages young people to become involved in community-service projects

Publicolor A New York-based nonprofit organization that works with young people, using painting as a way to increase their self-esteem and build camaraderie

Reading on Wheels A Monticello, Arkansas program that provides at-risk youth with tutors from the local high school.

Resource Apprenticeship Program for Students A program for Native Alaskan youth created to encourage students to pursue higher education while providing them information regarding present and future employment opportunities with natural resource agencies

Rio Hondo Project, San Gabriel Valley Council, Boy Scouts of America The Rio Hondo Project reaches underserved minority youth. It is developed and implemented at the local level to meet community needs.

Samuel S. Fels Cluster of the Philadelphia School District A Philadelphia School District effort that trains teachers to address the needs of their culturally diverse students and offers programs to engage students, parents and school staff in projects that celebrate diversity

Seeking Common Ground A Denver, CO-based program that brings people from various racial, cultural, religious and political backgrounds together to increase their understanding of and respect for each other

SHINE (Seeking Harmony In Neighborhoods Everyday) A Princeton, NJ program that sponsors workshops for racially diverse children to learn tolerance, non-violence and self-esteem

Sponsor-A-Scholar A Philadelphia, PA-based program that matches at-risk youth with mentors to provide them with academic guidance

St. HOPE Academy A Sacramento, CA-based program offers a structured, positive environment for educational opportunities, leadership training, character development, spiritual growth and physical well-being to disadvantaged, minority and low-income youth

Student Leaders for Racial Understanding SLRU organizes students to dialogue openly with their peers and bridge racial divides

Student Unity Task Force, A Columbia, SC effort to increase racial awareness and tolerance among high school students by providing training sessions focused on diversity issues, cross-cultural communication skills and conflict resolution skills for students, faculty and administrators in every public high school in Richland County (Two private high schools are also involved)

Students Against Racism Organization A Great Neck, NY organization that encourages students to reduce prejudice in their schools

Students Talk About Race A Los Angeles, CA program that works with college, middle and high school students on how to discuss the issue of race

Students Together Omitting Prejudice (STOP) A Sudbury, MA, program using role-playing and discussion, STOP gives students the tools to confront prejudice and discrimination

Support Training Results In Valuable Employment A New York-based program that trains young adults with the proper skills to attain employment

Task Force on Police and Urban Youth, U.S. Department of Justice's Community Relations Service An U.S. Justice Department Community Relations Service (CRS) project to bring together police officials, youth advocacy agencies and academicians to address the considerable tension between police and minority youth throughout New England

Teaching Tolerance Project The project offers free, high-quality educational materials to help teachers promote interracial and intercultural harmony in the classroom and beyond

Teen Opportunity Program A New York NY/West Milford, NJ year-round initiative that provides drop-out prevention, multicultural education and conflict resolution activities to inner-city children

Tribes Learning Community A program that encourages people in the school system to respect racially and ethnically diverse populations

UNITY An Edison, NJ high school club that allows students to meet and discuss race relations

Up With People A Broomfield, CO program that fosters leadership, global awareness and commitment to service among young people

Voices United A Miami, Florida program that promotes cross cultural understanding through the arts and provides a voice for young people

Walk In My Shoes Student Symposium A Santa Ana, CA program that teaches young people how to talk about the issue of race, and build understanding and tolerance

Young Heroes Program The Boston-based program was created in 1995 to unite sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade students from all racial and socioeconomic backgrounds to perform community service

Youth Together Project A program that develops multiracial student teams to lead school-based efforts directed to prevent and reduce racial conflicts and violence in five targeted high schools in Oakland, Berkeley and Richmond

YouthBuild U.S.A. A Somerville, MA program that encourages young adults to serve in community-service projects in their neighborhoods

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