Started in 1989 and incorporated in 1991, Global Kids (GK) began in 1989 in New York City (NYC) in response to young people's concerns about critical local and global issues that were shaping their lives. Young people want to learn about the cultural backgrounds of their peers and to develop activities that concretely address these problems. The program obtains funding from the New York Board of Education, various foundations, as well as individuals.
Global Kids prepares young people to become community leaders through intensive training sessions, educational programs, and mentoring relationships with adults who can educate and support them. GK's staff of nine professionally trained educators conduct training and educational activities throughout the New York area. Activities include classroom-based workshops linking required curriculum with global issues, intensive after-school leadership training sessions and youth-designed social action projects. The GK youth leaders, trained high school-aged student volunteers, are integral to GK's leadership program. For example, in 1997 GK youth leaders organized a major youth forum, "Caring Communities," which culminated in a town hall meeting of 250 students with the schools' chancellor. GK youth leaders also led workshops on racism in student-teacher relations, eventually producing action plans that are implemented in schools. On a smaller scale, GK youth leaders are training a team of students in a local high school to facilitate workshops on racism and violence for their peers. Other youth leaders have produced videos on public access television; others wrote a book, The Empowerment Book on Homelessness, to break down stereotypes about people without homes.
Outcomes and Significant Accomplishments For nine years, the GK youth leaders have led conferences on critical issues in the world. These conferences are attended by over 300 youth and adults. They have also traveled to Denmark, Sweden, Northern Ireland, and Croatia to work with youth there on issues of ethnic hatred and conflict. On a weekly basis, GK works with over 600 public high school students. Over the past 9 years, GK estimates that it has reached over 10,000 youth in New York City and abroad. GK has received many awards and special recognitions; in 1996 GK was presented with the Mother Hale/Patrick Daly award by the NYC Council for exemplary service by a community-based organization.