Chapter 3
Basic Editing
This chapter tells you how to perform basic editing tasks associated with the MAX Data Entry application. To perform these basic editing tasks, you must have first connected to the OMB Host and downloaded a budget account. To start the program, double click on the MAX A-11 icon. This chapter contains the following modules:
Opening an Account for Viewing and/or Editing
An Explanation of the Screen
Changing an Amount
Deleting an Amount
Cutting an Amount
Copying an Amount
Pasting an Amount
Adding a Line(s) to an Account
Inserting a Line(s) to Schedule A & S
Inserting a Schedule
Deleting a Line(s) to an Account
Cutting a Line
Copying a Line
Pasting a Line
Changing a User-Specified Detail Line Title
Inserting information on Line Title between brackets
Changing Directory
Copying an Account(s) to Another Directory
Printing an Account(s)
Deleting an Account(s)
Undoing a Single Change
Saving the Changes Made to Data Within an Account
Closing an Account Without Saving
Opening an Account for Viewing and/or Editing
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
Select FILE-OPEN option. | Display an Exercise Selection box. When you click-on the OK button, a list of accounts will appear on the screen. | |
Select the exercise and account you want. | ||
Select the Open button. | Opens the account you specified and displays the account. |
Notes The codes and abbreviations used in the Select an Account File to Open box (as displayed from left to right) are:
(a) The PC changed date is a date in MM-DD format (e.g., July 25 = 07-25). It represents the date the account was last changed on the PC.
(b) The OMB changed date is a date in MM-DD format. It represents the date the account was last changed on the OMB Host.
(c) The version group, whose four valid values are:
MASTER--the version of the account which will actually appear in the printed budget,
Alternative 1 (Alt 1)--an account version set aside for development
Alternative 2 (Alt 2)--an account version set aside for development and
Alternative 3 (Alt 3)--an account version set aside for development.
(d) The agency and bureau, in AAABB format, where AAA is the OMB agency code and BB is the OMB bureau code.
(e) The account identifier, in TT-NNNNNN-C format, where:
TT is the Treasury agency code;
NNNNNN is the account number, where:
(1) for appropriation or fund accounts, the last two digits are blank; and
(2) for receipt accounts, the last two digits comprise the suffix number; and C is the transmittal code.
(f) The account title is the text name of the account.
An Explanation of the Screen
The screen on which you enter and modify data has been developed to resemble the format of the Budget appendix.
The system identifies where you are by placing a cursor bar over the appropriate line title or amount. Not all of the screen's amount columns are visible at one time. You can use the arrow keys or your mouse to move around.
The account you are editing is identified on the screen's first line. For example, an account identifier might be 021-05 69-0210 -1, where:
021 | is the OMB agency code, |
05 | is the OMB bureau code, |
69 | is the Treasury agency code, |
0210 | is the account number (four digits for an appropriation and six digits for a receipt), and |
1 | is the transmittal code. |
Also, the name of the account is shown on the far left side of the screen's third line.
You may change some amount values while others are protected. The system provides you with this information in two ways. The first is with a color and the second is with an indicator ("Cell = ") towards the upper right corner of the screen.
Data | Black | Unprotected (you enter this amount) |
(Prot) |
Red | Protected (you may not change this amount; it was calculated by a formula) |
(Form) |
Blue | Computed by a formula (you may override this amount) |
(Over) |
Green | Overridden formula (you have changed this amount) |
???? | -- | No change possible |
Here are some other points to keep in mind regarding the screen:
An amount represented by dots (........) has a value of 0.
The schedule in which the cursor bar is located is identified on the far left side of the screen's fourth line. As you move the cursor bar down the screen (i.e., into the next schedule), the schedule name on the fourth line changes and is shown in blue.
Some menu options are shown in the color gray rather than the normal color (black). These options are unavailable to you because the action is inappropriate at this time. For example, the option FILE-CLOSE will be shown in gray if you do not have an account open.
To cancel a menu selection midway, press the ESC key twice.
Some menu sub-options contain an ellipsis (...). The ellipsis means there is a dialog box you need to respond to before the system carries out your menu request. A dialog box is a means for you to convey information to the system. In a dialog box you might make a selection from a list, provide parameters, select an option, or make a combination of these actions.
Changing an Amount
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
Position the cursor bar on the amount you wish to change. | Highlights the amount. | |
Enter your change. | Overwrite the original amount with the new value. | |
Press the ENTER key. | ||
You cannot change "protected" amounts. These amounts are shown in red in the MAX Data Entry application.
If you have overwritten a computed amount with a value of your own and want the system to revert to the computed value, do the following: Change the amount's value to 0 and press the ENTER key. The system then automatically recomputes the value using the associated formula.
Deleting an Amount
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
Position the cursor bar on the amount you wish to change. | Highlights the amount. | |
Select the EDIT-DELETE option. | Deletes the entire amount value and replaces it with a value of 0 (which displays as "........"). |
Deleting an amount removes it and replaces it with a 0. Deleting an amount does not place its value on the MAX clipboard (as is true with the Cut option).
You cannot delete "protected" amounts. These amounts are shown in red in the MAX Data Entry application.
Exhibit Before the delete:
After the delete:
Cutting an Amount
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
Position the cursor bar on the amount you wish to change. | Highlights the amount. | |
Select the EDIT-CUT option. | Cuts the entire original amount and replaces it with a value of 0 (which displays as "........"). |
Cutting an amount does two things: First, it copies the amount's value to the MAX clipboard. Second, it removes the value and replaces it with a 0.
You cannot cut "protected" amounts, which are displayed in red in the MAX.
Any formula that is used to calculate an amount remains untouched after you cut the amount.
Exhibit Before the cut:
After the cut:
Copying an Amount
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
Position the cursor bar on the amount you wish to copy. | Highlights the amount. | |
Select the EDIT-COPY option. | The entire amount value is copied and the source amount remains unchanged. |
Copying an amount copies the designated value to the MAX clipboard.
Any formula that is used to calculate an amount remains untouched after you copy the amount.
Exhibit Before the copy:
After the copy:
Pasting an Amount
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
After cutting or copying the desired amount, position the cursor bar on the amount you wish to change. | Highlights the amount. | |
Select the EDIT-PASTE option. | Pastes the cut/copied amount value into the target cell and replaces whatever value may have been there previously. |
Pasting an amount places the contents of the MAX clipboard into the target cell.
You can't paste over "protected" amounts (i.e., those that display in red).
Exhibit Before the paste:
After the paste:
Adding a Line(s) to an Account
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
Position the cursor bar within the schedule to which you plan to add the line(s). | ||
Select the EDIT-INSERT option. | Displays the Select Valid Value box. | |
Click on the line(s) you wish to add. | Highlights the designated line. | |
Select the Use button. | Inserts the new line(s) in the proper numerical sequence. The amounts are initialized to 0 (which displays as "........"). Prompts you if additional information is required--such as a line number. |
The system automatically places a new line in the proper numerical sequence. For example, the system automatically positions line 00.05 after line 00.04.
Regarding the Select Valid Value box:
-- You may de-select (i.e., "unmark") a line by clicking on the line again.
-- A line without a number means it's a header; you cannot select this. If you attempt to do so, the system informs you "Please only choose entries which have numbers."
-- For each line selected, you may be prompted to:
(1) Provide a line number--the number typed must agree with the format in the pick list (e.g., if the format is "0x23", you may provide "0723", but not "0864" ["x" represents any number between 0 - 9]);
(2) Type or modify a line title--The maximum length of any title you enter is 64 characters; or
(3) Select a title from a list.
"Line pairs" are two lines which are inextricably linked in the system (i.e., "Start-of-Year" and "End-of-Year"). When one member of the line pair is added via the MAX Data Entry application, the system automatically generates the other member of the pair.
Inserting a Line(s) to Schedule A & S
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
Position the cursor bar within the schedule to which you plan to add the line(s). | ||
Select the EDIT-INSERT option. | Displays the Select Valid Value box. | |
Click on the line(s) you wish to add. | Highlights the designated line. | |
Select the Use button. | Displays the Detail Line Information box. | |
5 | Enter the Line Sequence Number* and Line Title. Select the Use button. | Displays a list of BEA and other list depending upon the schedule (e.g., sequestrable, exempt, pay, non-pay) |
6 | Select from the pick lists and click-on the Use button. |
Line Sequence Number -- For BA lines, if you use line sequence number 01 -39, the MAX system will present all outlay data in line sequence number 01. If you use line sequence number greater than 40, the MAX system will present outlay data in that specified line sequence.
Inserting a Schedule
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
Select the EDIT-INSERT option. | Displays the first Select Valid Value box. | |
Position the cursor bar on the "New Schedule" option in the pick list. | Highlights the "New Schedule" option. | |
Select the Use button. | Displays the second Select Valid Value box. | |
Position the cursor bar on the schedule title in the pick list. | ||
Select the Use button. | Inserts the new schedule in its proper place in the list of schedules. | |
Add detail lines. See the "Adding a Line(s) to an Account" module elsewhere in this chapter if you need instructions. |
Regarding the Select Valid Value box:
-- You move through the list with the UP/DOWN ARROW keys.
-- You may make only insert one schedule at a time.
Deleting a Line(s) From an Account
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
Position the cursor bar on the line title of
the line you want to delete.
OR Hold down the Ctrl key and click-on several line title you want to delete. |
Highlights the line(s) to be deleted. | |
Select the EDIT-DELETE option. | Displays a MAX A-11 User Query box with the message: "Line(s) will be deleted. Are you sure?" | |
Select the Yes button. | Deletes the designated line (as well as any associated lines or headings, as applicable). |
The system automatically removes other lines as appropriate when you delete a line(s). Examples:
If you delete the line title for a schedule, the system automatically deletes all lines in that schedule except when the schedule contains locked field.
If you delete all lines under a heading, the system automatically deletes the heading.
If, as the result of your deletions, a total line is not needed, the system deletes it.
Cutting a Line
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
Position the cursor bar on the line title you wish to cut. | Highlights the line. | |
Select the EDIT-CUT option. | Displays a MAX A-11 User Query box with the message: "Cutting detail lines. Are you sure?". | |
Select the Yes button. | Cuts the line number, line title, and amounts of the line(s) you specified to the MAX clipboard. |
You can only cut one line at a time. When you cut a line, all associated lines in the hierarchy are also cut (such as those in the Budget Authority schedules).
Copying a Line
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
Position the cursor bar on the line title you wish to copy. | Highlights the line. | |
Select the EDIT-COPY option. | Copies the line (title and amounts) to the MAX clipboard; the source line remains unchanged. |
You can only copy one line at a time.
Pasting a Line
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
After cutting or copying the desired line, select the FILE-CLOSE option. | Closes that account and displays the MAX Data Entry application main menu. | |
Select the FILE-OPEN option. | Displays a list of Accounts. | |
Position the cursor bar on the account into which you want to paste the line. Then select the Open button. | Displays the account. | |
4 | Position the cursor bar on the schedule into which you want to paste the line. | Displays the designated schedule within the account you specified. |
Select EDIT-PASTE option. | Pastes the line number, line title, and amounts of the line(s) you specified to the schedule. The Edit option remains highlighted on the menu bar. |
You can only paste one line at a time.
If you paste a line within the same account, the system only allows you to paste it into the same schedule from which you cut or copied it. (Normally, this would only be done to re-sequence lines within a given schedule.)
Changing a User-Specified Detail Line Title
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
Position the cursor bar on the editable line title you wish to change. Then press the ENTER key. | Displays the Detail Line Info box. | |
TAB to the Line Title field. | ||
Change the title. | ||
Select the Use button. | Places the revised title on the line. |
You can change only certain line titles or portions of line titles. For example, you can change line titles above 1000 for PF, but you can only change information within the brackets [ ] for line 4200. Other lines may not be changed at all (e.g., 4300).
The maximum length of any title you enter is 64 characters.
Inserting Information in Line Title between brackets
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
Position the cursor bar on the line title you wish to change. Then press the ENTER key. | Displays the Detail Line Info box. | |
Tab to the Line Title field. | ||
Click on the first letter in the word [Treas Acct], [Text], or [Line Text] | ||
Delete the word for example "Text" and type in your non-print notation. Do not delete the brackets [ ]. | Displays the revised title. | |
5 | Select the Use button. | Places the revised title on the line. |
Listed below are the types of information you can insert between the brackets:
[Treasury Acct] In schedule P, you must indicate where you are transferring budget authority or BA balance by typing the 6-digit basic account symbol assigned by Treasury Department. (For example, PF lines 2221, 2222, 4100, 4200, 6100, 6200, 7331, and 7332.
[Text] In schedules A and S, you have the ability to make non-print notations on line title to document information reported.
[Line Text] In schedule S, you must indicate in the stub title the line number where to include outlays from past prior limitation.
Changing Directory
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
1 | Select FILE-OPEN option. | Displays a list of accounts and command button bars at the bottom of the screen. |
Select Chg Dir button. | Displays the Change Data Directory box. | |
Select the drive and directory you want. | ||
Select the OK button. | Displays a list of accounts in the directory you specified. |
Copying an Account(s) to another Directory
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
1 | Select FILE-OPEN option. | Displays a list of accounts and command button bars at the bottom of the screen. |
Select the account(s) you want to copy. | Highlights the account(s). | |
Select the Copy button. | Presents a Copy Accounts box. | |
Select the drive and directory you want. | ||
5 | Select the OK button. | Displays a MAX A-11 Information Box with the message: "Copies Completed." |
Printing an Account(s)
Step | When you do this... | ...the system does this. |
1 | Select FILE-OPEN option. | Displays a list of accounts and command button bars at the bottom of the screen. |
2 | Select the account(s) you want to print. | Highlights the account(s) |
3 | Select the Print button. | Displays a MAX A-11 Information Box with the message "Account Printing Done." If you have problems printing, please check the print-setup. (See Chapter 4 -- "Print Setup" module) |
Deleting an Account(s) on PC/Server
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
1 | Select FILE-OPEN option. | Displays a list of accounts and command button bars at the bottom of the screen. |
Select the account(s) you want to delete. | ||
Select the Delete button. | Displays a Delete Confirmation box. | |
Select yes, yes to all, no, or cancel. |
Undoing a Single Change
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
Immediately after making a mistake performing one of the tasks listed below in the Notes section. Select the EDIT-UNDO option. | "Undoes" (i.e., cancels) the last change and returns the account to its previous state. |
The EDIT-UNDO option enables you to undo:
(1) the last change made to an amount,
(2) a cut or paste involving an amount, or
(3) an insert or delete involving a line.
The EDIT-UNDO option cannot be used to undo a change to a title, an amount comment, or spendout rates.
Exhibit Before the undo:
After the undo:
Saving the Changes Made to Data Within an Account
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
1 | Make your modification(s) as applicable. Select the FILE-SAVE option. | Saves the changed version of the account and leaves it open. The last cell changed is highlighted. |
You must upload the account for your changes to be applied to the MAX database. Follow the instructions presented in the "Upload an Account(s) From Your PC to the OMB Host" module in chapter 2.
Closing an Account Without Saving
When you do this... | ...the system does this. | |
After making any changes to an account you do not want to save, select the FILE-CLOSE option. | Displays a MAX A-11 User Query box with the message:, "Save Account before closing?" | |
Select the No button. | Closes the account without saving the unwanted changes and displays the MAX Data Entry application main menu. |