Other Congressional Sessions || Appropriations Bills Only || Appropriations by Subcommittee
House Bills
Bill No. | Title | Date Sent | To Whom |
HR6 | Higher Education Amendments of 1998 | 04/28/98 | HOUSE |
HR10 | Financial Services Act of 1998 | 03/30/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR10 | Financial Services Act of 1998 | 03/31/98 | HOUSE |
HR118 | Traffic Stops Statistics Act | 03/24/98 | HOUSE |
HR217 | Homeless Housing Programs Consolidation and Flexibility Act | 03/02/98 | HOUSE |
HR424 | To Increase Mandatory Minimum Sentences for Criminals Possessing Firearms | 02/24/98 | HOUSE |
HR512 | New Wildlife Refuge Authorization Act | 04/21/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR563 | Establishment of a "Made in America" Information Program in the Commerce Department | 10/05/98 | HOUSE |
HR567 | Madrid Protocol Implementation Act | 05/04/98 | HOUSE |
HR856 | United States-Puerto Rico Political Status Act | 03/03/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR872 | Biomaterials Access Assurance Act of 1998 | 07/29/98 | HOUSE |
HR992 | Tucker Act Shuffle Relief Act of 1997 | 03/11/98 | HOUSE |
HR1023 | Ricky Ray Hemophilia Relief Fund Act of 1998 | 05/18/98 | HOUSE |
HR1151 | Credit Union Membership Access Act | 07/22/98 | SENATE |
HR1252 | Judicial Reform Act of 1998 | 04/22/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR1252 | Judicial Reform Act of 1998 | 04/23/98 | HOUSE |
HR1428 | Voter Eligibility Verification Act | 02/11/98 | HOUSE |
HR1432 | African Growth and Opportunity Act | 03/10/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR1522 | National Historic Preservation Act Amendments | 05/19/98 | HOUSE |
HR1544 | Federal Agency Compliance Act | 02/25/98 | HOUSE |
HR1659 | Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument Completion Act | 09/15/98 | HOUSE |
HR1833 | Tribal Self-Governance Amendments of 1998 | 10/05/98 | HOUSE |
HR2181 | Witness Protection and Interstate Relocation Act of 1997 | 02/24/98 | HOUSE |
HR2202 | National Bone Marrow Registry Reauthorization Act of 1998 | 05/18/98 | HOUSE |
HR2259 | King Cove Health and Safety Act | 03/17/98 | HOUSE |
HR2294 | Federal Courts Improvement Act | 03/18/98 | HOUSE |
HR2314 | Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma Federal Indian Services Restoration Act of 1997 | 09/23/98 | HOUSE |
HR2369 | Wireless Privacy Enhancement Act of 1997 | 03/03/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR2400 | Building Efficient Surface Transportation and Equity Act of 1998 | 04/01/98 | HOUSE |
HR2402 | Water Related Technical Corrections Act of 1997 | 10/07/98 | SENATE |
HR2431 | Freedom from Religious Persecution Act of 1998 | 05/13/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR2431 | Freedom From Religious Persecution Act of 1998 | 05/14/98 | HOUSE |
HR2460 | Wireless Telephone Protection Act | 02/26/98 | HOUSE |
HR2515 | Forest Recovery and Protection Act of 1998 | 03/26/98 | HOUSE |
HR2538 | Guadalupe-Hidalgo Treaty Land Claims Act | 09/10/98 | HOUSE |
HR2544 | Technology Transfer Commercialization Act | 07/13/98 | HOUSE |
HR2578 | Visa Waiver Pilot Program Extension | 03/24/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR2614 | Reading Excellence Act | 10/05/98 | SENATE |
HR2676 | Internal Revenue Service Restructuring and Reform Act | 05/05/98 | SENATE |
HR2709 | Iran Missile Proliferation Sanctions Act of 1997 | 05/21/98 | SENATE |
HR2709 | Iran Missile Proliferation Sanctions Act of 1997 | 06/05/98 | HOUSE |
HR2829 | Bulletproof Vests Partnership Grant Act | 05/12/98 | HOUSE |
HR2846 | Prohibition on Federal Education Testing | 02/05/98 | HOUSE |
HR2864 | Occupational Safety and Health Administration Compliance Assistance Authorization Act of 1997 | 03/16/98 | HOUSE |
HR2870 | Tropical Forest Conservation Act of 1998 | 03/18/98 | HOUSE |
HR2877 | Prohibit Quotas for Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Workplace Inspections | 03/16/98 | HOUSE |
HR2883 | Government Performance and Results Act Amendments | 03/10/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR2888 | Sales Incentive Compensation Act | 06/09/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR3039 | Veterans Transitional Housing Opportunities Act of 1998 | 05/18/98 | HOUSE |
HR3096 | A Bill to Correct a Provision Relating to Termination of Benefits for Convicted Persons | 03/24/98 | HOUSE |
HR3097 | Tax Code Termination Act | 06/17/98 | HOUSE |
HR3116 | Examination Parity and Year 2000 Readiness for Financial Institutions Act | 02/24/98 | HOUSE |
HR3117 | Civil Rights Commission Act of 1998 | 03/17/98 | HOUSE |
HR3130 | Child Support Performance and Incentive Act of 1998 | 03/05/98 | HOUSE |
HR3150 | Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1998 | 06/10/98 | HOUSE |
HR3164 | Hydrographic Services Improvement Act | 04/22/98 | HOUSE |
HR3213 | Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) Amendments Act of 1998 | 03/24/98 | HOUSE |
HR3246 | Fairness for Small Business and Employees Act of 1998 | 03/25/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR3248 | Dollars to the Classroom Act | 09/16/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR3248 | Dollars to the Classroom Act | 09/17/98 | HOUSE |
HR3249 | Federal Retirement Coverage Corrections Act | 07/20/98 | HOUSE |
HR3267 | Sonny Bono Memorial Salton Sea Reclamation Act | 07/14/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR3267 | Sonny Bono Memorial Salton Sea Reclamation Act | 07/15/98 | HOUSE |
HR3303 | Department of Justice Appropriation Authorization Act | 06/22/98 | HOUSE |
HR3310 | Small Business Paperwork Reduction Act Amendments | 03/26/98 | HOUSE |
HR3332 | Next Generation Internet Research Act | 09/14/98 | HOUSE |
HR3381 | Gallatin Land Consolidation Act | 09/23/98 | HOUSE |
HR3433 | Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Act of 1998 | 06/03/98 | HOUSE |
HR3494 | Child Protection and Sexual Predator Punishment Act | 06/11/98 | HOUSE |
HR3504 | John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Authorization Act | 06/02/98 | HOUSE |
HR3528 | Alternative Dispute Resolution Act of 1998 | 04/21/98 | HOUSE |
HR3534 | Mandates Information Act of 1998 | 05/13/98 | HOUSE |
HR3546 | National Dialogue on Social Security Act of 1998 | 04/29/98 | HOUSE |
HR3565 | Care for Police Survivors Act | 04/21/98 | HOUSE |
HR3579 | Making Emergency Supplemental Appropriations, FY98 | 03/30/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR3579 | Making Emergency Supplemental Appropriations, FY98 | 03/31/98 | HOUSE |
HR3580 | Making Supplemental Appropriations and Rescission, FY98 | 03/30/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR3580 | Making Supplemental Appropriations and Rescission, FY98 | 03/31/98 | HOUSE |
HR3603 | A Bill to Authorize Major Medical Facility Projects and Major Medical Facility Leases for the Department of Veterans Affairs for Fiscal Year 1999, and for other purposes | 05/18/98 | HOUSE |
HR3616 | National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999 | 05/20/98 | HOUSE |
HR3682 | Child Custody Protection Act | 07/14/98 | HOUSE |
HR3694 | Intelligence Authorizations Act for Fiscal Year 1999 | 05/07/98 | HOUSE |
HR3717 | Prohibition Regarding Illegal Drugs and the Distribution of Hypodermic Needles | 04/28/98 | HOUSE |
HR3718 | Federal Court Jurisdiction Regarding Prison Release Orders | 05/19/98 | HOUSE |
HR3723 | United States Patent and Trademark Office Reauthorization Act | 05/12/98 | HOUSE |
HR3743 | Iran Nuclear Proliferation Prevention Act of 1998 | 07/31/98 | HOUSE |
HR3789 | Class Action Jurisdiction Act of 1998 | 10/05/98 | HOUSE |
HR3809 | Drug Free Borders Act of 1998 | 05/19/98 | HOUSE |
HR3811 | Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act of 1998 | 05/12/98 | HOUSE |
HR3824 | Fastener Quality Act Amendments | 06/16/98 | HOUSE |
HR3874 | Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Amendments of 1998 | 07/20/98 | HOUSE |
HR3888 | Telecommunications Competition and Consumer Protection Act | 10/11/98 | HOUSE |
HR3892 | English Language Fluency Act | 08/06/98 | HOUSE |
HR3899 | American Homeownership Act of 1998 | 10/12/98 | HOUSE |
HR3972 | Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Amendment | 10/15/98 | HOUSE |
HR3980 | Persian Gulf War Veterans Health Care and Research Act of 1998 | 08/03/98 | HOUSE |
HR4006 | Lethal Drug Abuse Prevention Act of 1998 | 09/14/98 | HOUSE |
HR4057 | Airport Improvement Program Reauthorization Act of 1998 | 08/04/98 | HOUSE |
HR4059 | Military Construction Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 06/18/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR4059 | Military Construction Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 06/22/98 | HOUSE |
HR4060 | Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 06/18/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR4060 | Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 06/22/98 | HOUSE |
HR4068 | Technical Corrections in Laws Relating to Native Americans Act | 09/23/98 | HOUSE |
HR4090 | Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor Act of 1998 | 09/09/98 | HOUSE |
HR4101 | Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 06/23/98 | HOUSE |
HR4103 | Department of Defense Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 06/23/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR4103 | Department of Defense Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 06/24/98 | HOUSE |
HR4104 | Treasury and General Government Appropriations Bill, FY1999 | 06/23/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR4104 | Treasury and General Government Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 06/24/98 | HOUSE |
HR4110 | Veterans Benefits Improvement Act of 1998 | 08/03/98 | HOUSE |
HR4164 | Child Custody Orders and Visitation Determinations | 07/14/98 | HOUSE |
HR4193 | Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 07/21/98 | HOUSE |
HR4194 | Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 07/15/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR4194 | Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 07/16/98 | HOUSE |
HR4243 | Government Waste, Fraud, and Error Reduction Act of 1998 | 10/20/98 | SENATE |
HR4244 | Federal Procurement System Performance Measurement and Acquisition Workforce Training Act of 1998 | 08/17/98 | HOUSE |
HR4250 | Patient Protection Act of 1998 | 07/23/98 | HOUSE |
HR4257 | Amending the Fair Labor Standards Act to Permit Certain Youth to Perform Certain Work with Wood Products | 09/28/98 | HOUSE |
HR4259 | Haskell Indian Nations University and Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute Administrative Systems Act of 1998 | 10/06/98 | HOUSE |
HR4274 | Labor, HHS, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 08/04/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR4274 | Labor, HHS, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY 1999 | 10/02/98 | HOUSE |
HR4276 | Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 07/22/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR4276 | Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 08/03/98 | HOUSE |
HR4300 | Western Hemisphere Drug Elimination Act | 09/16/98 | HOUSE |
HR4328 | Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 07/28/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR4328 | Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 07/29/98 | HOUSE |
HR4364 | Depository Institution Regulatory Streamlining Act of 1998 | 10/08/98 | HOUSE |
HR4380 | District of Columbia Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 08/05/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR4380 | District of Columbia Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 08/06/98 | HOUSE |
HR4382 | Mammography Quality Standards Reauthorization Act of 1998 | 09/15/98 | HOUSE |
HR4558 | Noncitizen Benefit Clarification and Other Technical Amendments Act of 1998 | 09/23/98 | HOUSE |
HR4569 | Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 09/17/98 | HOUSE |
HR4570 | Omnibus National Parks and Public Lands Act of 1998 | 10/05/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HR4578 | Save Social Security Act of 1998 | 09/24/98 | HOUSE |
HR4579 | Taxpayer Relief Act of 1998 | 09/25/98 | HOUSE |
HR4614 | New Castle Land Conveyance | 10/05/98 | HOUSE |
HR4756 | Year 2000 Preparedness Act of 1998 | 10/13/98 | HOUSE |
HR4761 | Uruguay Round Agreements Compliance Act | 10/10/98 | HOUSE |
HR4856 | Miscellaneous Tariff and Technical Amendments Act | 10/20/98 | HOUSE |
House Joint Resolutions
Bill No. | Title | Date Sent | To Whom |
HJR78 | Joint Resolution Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of the United States Restoring Religious Freedom | 06/03/98 | HOUSE RULES CTTE. |
HJR111 | Constitutional Amendment Requiring Two-Thirds Votes on Certain Tax Measures | 04/21/98 | HOUSE |
HJR121 | Disapproving the Extension of Nondiscriminatory Trade Treatment to China | 07/22/98 | HOUSE |
HJR128 | Continuing Resolution, FY 1999 | 09/17/98 | HOUSE |
Senate Bills
Bill No. | Title | Date Sent | To Whom |
S314 | Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act | 10/02/98 | HOUSE |
S414 | Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 1997 | 03/17/98 | SENATE |
S442 | Internet Tax Freedom Act | 10/01/98 | SENATE |
S1092 | King Cove Health and Safety Act | 10/01/98 | SENATE |
S1133 | Parent and Student Savings Account PLUS Act | 03/12/98 | SENATE |
S1186 | Workforce Investment Partnership Act of 1998 | 04/30/98 | SENATE |
S1301 | Consumer Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1998 | 09/17/98 | SENATE |
S1380 | Charter School Expansion Act of 1998 | 10/07/98 | SENATE |
S1502 | District of Columbia Student Opportunity Scholarship Act | 04/30/98 | HOUSE |
S1601 | Human Cloning Prohibition Act | 02/09/98 | SENATE |
S1609 | Next Generation Internet Research Act | 05/21/98 | SENATE |
S1618 | Protection of Consumers Against "Slamming" | 05/08/98 | SENATE |
S1645 | Child Custody Protection Act | 09/09/98 | SENATE |
S1668 | Disclosure to Congress Act of 1998 | 03/09/98 | SENATE |
S1723 | American Competitiveness Act | 05/11/98 | SENATE |
S1768 | Making Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Recovery From Natural Disasters, and for Overseas Peacekeeping Efforts, FY 1998 | 03/23/98 | SENATE |
S1769 | Making Supplemental Appropriations for the International Monetary Fund, FY 1998 | 03/23/98 | SENATE |
S1873 | The American Missile Protection Act of 1998 | 05/11/98 | SENATE |
S1882 | Higher Education Amendments of 1998 | 06/16/98 | SENATE |
S1981 | Truth in Employment Act | 09/11/98 | SENATE |
S2037 | Digital Millennium Copyright Act | 05/12/98 | SENATE |
S2060 | National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999 | 05/14/98 | SENATE |
S2131 | Water Resources Development Act | 10/06/98 | SENATE |
S2132 | Department of Defense Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 07/30/98 | SENATE |
S2138 | Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 06/18/98 | SENATE |
S2159 | Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 07/13/98 | SENATE |
S2168 | VA, HUD, and Independent Agencies Appropriations, FY 1999 | 07/06/98 | SENATE |
S2176 | Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998 | 09/24/98 | SENATE |
S2237 | Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations, FY1999 | 09/08/98 | SENATE |
S2260 | Commerce, Justice, State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 07/21/98 | SENATE |
S2271 | Property Rights Implementation Act of 1998 | 07/10/98 | SENATE |
S2307 | Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 07/23/98 | SENATE |
S2312 | Treasury and General Government Appropriations Bill, FY 1999 | 07/28/98 | SENATE |
S2334 | Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs Appropriations, FY 1999 | 09/01/98 | SENATE |
S2344 | Emergency Farm Financial Relief Act | 08/03/98 | HOUSE |
S2364 | Economic Development Administration Reform Act | 10/06/98 | SENATE |
S2392 | Year 2000 Information Disclosure Act | 09/28/98 | SENATE |
S2432 | Assistive Technology Act of 1998 | 09/18/98 | SENATE |
Senate Joint Resolutions
Bill No. | Title | Date Sent | To Whom |
SJR42 | Disaproving the President's Certification that Mexico Has Fully Cooperated with U.S. Anti-Drug Efforts | 03/25/98 | SENATE |