Full text of OMB Circular No. A-11 OMB Circular
No. A-11 (2.8 mb)
Transmittal Letter (43 kb)
Table of Contents (135 kb)
Analysis of changes (129 kb)
List of OMB contacts (166 kb)
Agency comment sheet (124 kb)
I. General Information and Policies
10. Overview of the budget process
11. General requirements (153 kb)
12. General policies (205 kb)
13. Basis for reporting on employment and personnel compensation (174 kb)
14. Budget terms and concepts (206 kb)
15. Justifications and other reporting requirements (233 kb)
II. Building the Budget Database
20. Introduction to computer materials (196 kb)
21. MAX schedules on budget authority, outlays, limitations, and receipts
(MAX schedules A, K, R,
and S) (271 kb)
23. Baseline estimates (MAX schedules S, K, and Y) (162 kb)
25. Character classification (MAX schedules C, K, and R) (244 kb)
III. Preparing the Budget Documents
30. Explanation of print materials (348 kb)
31. Appropriations language (294 kb)
32. Program and financing schedules (MAX schedule P) (308 kb)
33. Federal credit data (MAX schedules G, H, U, and Y) (412 kb)
34. Narrative statements on program and performance (144 kb)
35. Object classification (MAX schedule O) (302 kb)
36. Special schedules (289 kb)
IV. Additional Information Required in Support of the Budget
40. Data on financial management activities (159 kb)
42. Data on information technology (218 kb)
45. Information on drug control programs (141 kb)
47. Information on violent crime control programs (139 kb)
V. Actions Required Following the Transmittal of the Budget
61. Amending requests after transmittal of the Budget (supplementals and amendments)
releasing contingent emergency funding (254 kb)
A. Scorekeeping guidelines (92 kb)
B. Scoring lease-purchases and leases of capital assets (179 kb)
C. Listing of OMB agency/bureau and Treasury codes (110 kb)
D. Explanation of MAX edit checks (135 kb)
E. Diagnostic reports and MAX crosswalks (249 kb)
Preparation and Submission of Strategic Plans and Annual
Performance Plans
Summary of changes for Part 2 (125 kb)
200. Overview of strategic plans, annual performance plans, and annual performance reports (87 kb)
210. Preparation and submission of strategic plans (146 kb)
220. Preparation and submission of annual performance plans (172 kb)
300. Planning, Budgeting, and Acquisition of Capital Assets (150 kb)
300A. Principles of budgeting for capital asset acquisitions (178 kb)
300B. Selected OMB guidance and other references regarding capital assets (125 kb)
300C. Illustrative explanation of earned value concept and cost and schedule
variances for capital assets (145 kb)
INDEX (138 kb)