Asian Neighborhood Design, Inc.
The San Francisco-based organization operates programs that focus on business development, employment training, and housing and community development
Color Me Human
A Hixson, TN program that encourages organizations to use the program's logo as a symbol of diversity
Diversity - A Passage to the Future at Xerox
The Xerox Corporation works towards a pluralistic environment by implementing programs which promote inclusion and understanding as well as by raising awareness about prejudicial or discriminatory behavior
Diversity Consortium Resource Groups
Strategic diversity initiatives which serve diverse customers and the Bell Atlantic workforce.
Diversity Management
Darden Restaurants developed the Diversity Management Department to develop diversity management competencies, link employee satisfaction to guest satisfaction and increase its local community presence. Its diversity tools, benchmarks and performance plans help achieve these goals at all levels.
It's US: A Celebration of Who We Are in America Today
A Time Magazine inspired diversity effort that provides a traveling photographic exhibition designed specifically for schools, communities and families to encourage discussion on diversity and race relations
Memphis Race Relations and Diversity Institute
A Memphis, TN based effort to better city race relations through diversity-awareness training and other opportunities that promote discussion of diversity-related issues
New Majority Joint Venture Initiative
The New York-based initiative brings together business owners from minority communities to improve communications and promote sustainable business relations
Project Change
The program addresses racial prejudice and institutional racism in Levi Strauss and Company plant communities
A mentoring program for young black professionals
Tools for Tolerance for Professionals, Biet Hashoah Museum of Tolerance
A Los Angeles, CA based seminar program designed to raise public awareness of intolerance and to help professionals--including law enforcement officers, educators, attorneys, city employees, health care providers and social workers--become more sensitive to their clients' needs
We the People @ IBM
An IBM initiative that promotes workplace diversity and interoffice dialogue about race and ethnicity