The Color Me Human Program is a unique program that encourages organizations to use the Color Me Human logo and products as a symbol that the organization is supportive of diversity issues. The trademarked name and logo emphasize a celebration of diversity and are used with work that promotes diversity. Some of the Color Me Human products include T-shirts, posters, cups, mouse pads and bumper stickers.
Schools, businesses and other organizations have adopted the Color Me Human logo in their public events and programs. Groups that use the logo have entered into an agreement with Color Me Human. Any institution that wants to use the Color Me Human logo should adhere to one or more of the following themes: elimination of all prejudices, acceptance and appreciation of different personalities and work ethics, managing cultural diversity in the workplace, acceptance and appreciation of the multicultural environment, the importance of strong communication skills and achieving business effectiveness at the global level. Both the logo and products can be tailored to fit all types of training programs, presentations, or special events whose focus is diversity. Color Me Human offers training that focuses on the four core principles: 1) the oneness of humanity; 2) the value of diversity; 3) spiritual nobility as an essential prerequisite of effective dialogue; and 4) creative action on behalf of both justice and the spirit of community.
Outcomes and Significant Accomplishments There are many exemplary programs that utilize the Color Me Human logo. The Fostering Campus Diversity Program involves student leaders across the country who are calling on higher education to help them learn new ways of responding to the complexities of campus diversity. Since 1996, Color Me Human-Tampa Bay has sponsored a Color Me Human Week and Proclamation, initiated a number of neighborhood projects and designed institutes for the healing of racism. The Hawkeye Community College effort in Waterloo, Iowa, is a campus-wide program that trains student leaders to discuss the value of diversity on campus. The program has been highlighted by newspapers such as the Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier, The Columbus Post and The Columbus Dispatch, and there is a video documenting the Color Me Human Program. For more information, visit the Color Me Human Website at http://www.colormehuman.com