President Clinton announced a series of initiatives designed to
underscore the new
US-African partnerships, particularly the desire of African nations to
invest in a better
and healthier future for its children. Included in today's announcement
are three new
initiatives intended to improve educational standards and access
to technology,
ensure adequate food and agricultural production for proper nutritional
balance, and fight
deadly infectious diseases that claim the lives of too many African
Promoting Better Education
The Education for Development and Democracy Initiative seeks to
boost African
integration into the global community by improving the quality of, and
technology for,
education in Africa. The President's announcement calls for approximately
$120 million in
FY98 and 99 funding and is centered around three principal
community resource centers, public-private partnerships, and educating
and empowering
girls. Key components include:
Primary and Secondary Education
Pilot schools will be selected as community resource centers to
provide educational
materials and serve as bases to improve local teachers preparation and
training for
out-of-school youth. Centers will provide computers with access to the
Internet, CD-ROM
resources, better educational material, in-teacher training and desktop
capability. Peace Corps volunteers will provide staffing and continuity
at the centers.
School-to-school partnerships between the United States and Africa
and among African
schools will be promoted through access to computer technology and from
Education Initiative efforts will be coordinated and integrated with
Leland and GLOBE and
other efforts in this area.
Improving girl's education through leadership identification and
scholarships, raising
community awareness and support for educating girls, strengthening
school nutrition and
lunch programs and monitoring by older girls and women.
Higher Education
U.S.-African linkages at the university-to-university level will
be built through
assistance with curriculum development aimed at training in
labor-market relations,
business, health, science, math, technology and engineering studies. In
addition, there
will be a strong focus on improving teacher training, linking
universities and their local
communities, appropriate skills training, and encouraging stronger
community college
Professional Training and Civil Education
The education initiative will fund partnerships between U.S. and
African government
institutions and civil society organizations. The exchanges are
designed to better promote
understanding, cooperation and integration of public-private efforts
through NGOs,
independent media, rule of law programs, and health and science
organizations. Exchanges
will be supplemented by in-country training projects to enhance policy
and operational
skills and promote networking across the political and civil society
Ensuring Better Nutrition
A key part of the President's announcement today is ensuring that
while we improve the
educational standards of Africa's children we also ensure adequate and
proper nourishment
and provide assistance to enhance agricultural production.
Current food security trends project that by the year 2020, 25 percent
of Africa's
children will suffer from malnutrition, already the cause of over a third
of deaths of
children under the age of five in Africa.
The Africa Food Security Initiative (AFSI) is designed to assist
African nations to
strengthen and protect agriculture and food security in a number of key
areas, including:
ensuring healthy and alternative crop production;
better market efficiency and distribution of existing crops;
increased trade and investment in agricultural industries;
attacking crop diseases;
and increasing access to modern agricultural technology systems to
assist with
increased crop production and distribution.
The pilot budget for the first two years of the initiative will be $61
million, which
compliments USAIDs current investments in these efforts. Funds will
be channeled to
the appropriate government and private sector organizations.
Promoting Stronger Health Care
The third element of the President's program of investing in the
future of Africa's
children is combating the infectious diseases that claim so many young
To help combat malaria, which accounts for 1.5 - 2.5 million deaths
per year, the
President announces an additional $1 million grant to the National
Institutes of Health in
order to provide further assistance to the Multilateral Initiative on
malaria (MIM). The
grant will focus on continuing educational seminars and will support
the Regional Malaria
Lab in Mali to reinforce its position as a regional center of
excellence in Africa. This
effort will complement an ongoing FY98 $16 million Infectious
Disease Initiative for
Africa that focuses on surveillance, response, prevention, and building
local resistance
capacity for infectious diseases throughout the continent.