Yesterday and Today: Behind the Scenes With the President's Staff

President Franklin Roosevelt established the structure of the White House staff as we know it today. Prior to his Administration, Presidents simply hired staff members as they were needed to carry out particular responsibilities, without creating a formal office structure. In 1939, President Roosevelt created the Executive Office of the President (EOP), ensuring that essential positions in support of the Presidency would continue even after one President left office and another came into power. While some of the positions established within the EOP in 1939 no longer exist, others continue to this day, and many of the men and women who have filled those positions have played a prominent role in our nation's history.

Working for the President of the United States is an enormous responsibility. Imagine how proud you would be if you were one of the few people the President asked to come to the White House and help serve the American people! On your first day of work, you would be issued a special pass allowing you to walk through the gates of the White House, one of the most well-known buildings in the world. Once there, you would play a vital part in carrying out the responsibilities of the Presidency — perhaps earning your own place in American history!

President Clinton has many dedicated people on his staff who work hard to help him serve the American people. On the following pages, you will learn about some of the men and women who work with the President on a daily basis, and you will discover how their predecessors carried out similar responsibilities for past Presidents. These White House staff members have been privileged to see history in the making, to help the President as he makes important decisions for our nation, and to earn the respect and confidence of the leader of our country. The insights presented here will help you understand some of the many ways in which the White House staff helps the President achieve his goals.


[ Introduction | John Podesta | Tim Saunders | Betty Currie | Sharon Farmer | Joe Lockhart ]

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