- View Shuttle schedules, read about the Astronauts, follow space
shuttle missions, download photos and movies of galaxies, stars, planets,
spacecraft and airplanes, visit launch sites and wind tunnels, access
NASA databases, and participate in NASA's
education programs.
Environmental Protection Agency
- Using an on-line query form, input geographical location information
to determine what hazardous waste, toxic release, water permit,
and emission to air facilities are in a particular locale.
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
- Free, easily searchable US Patent front-page information
(bibliographic data plus abstracts; no drawings) of all US patents from
1976 to present. Browsable US Patent Classifications and
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
- U.S. Patent and Trademark copy order forms in Adobe PDF, Microsoft
Word, and text formats. Fee, ordering, and delivery information.
Transactions by check, money order, VISA, MasterCard, or deposit
account. On-line ordering available soon.
- U.S. Copyright Office
- Application forms are available in PDF forms. Basic information on
- National Science Foundation
- Apply for research and education grants online, retrieve information
about proposal preparation and funding opportunities, and search award
abstracts. Proposal preparation and award administration information .
Fastlane is an experiment with ways to use the World Wide Web to
facilitate business transactions and information exchanges between NSF
and its' clients.
- Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment.
Provides science programs for students K-12 and GLOBE teacher training.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
- The FEMA News Desk provides access to all disaster news releases.
The releases are categorized by state and type of disaster.
Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Provides information on all types of disasters, what steps to
take to prepare for them, and how to mitigate the impact disasters
have on people and property.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Get the latest forecasts and space weather
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- View satellite images of the oceans, browse information on current
research and results, or visit an oceanographic cruise.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Learn how to identify dangerous weather indicators
and explore an environmental database.