Office of Management and Budget

Federal Credit Support Page

Credit Subsidy Calculator

This page is the authoritative source for the Credit Subsidy Calculator. The following materials are available.

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Software installation

To install the subsidy calculator:

When the installation process has finished, you can:

You can re-install the software at any time without losing any data that you have created.

Reports by independent firms

Outside firms have verified the conformance of Credit Subsidy Calculator with the applicable standards and have tested for Y2K issues. Reports presenting the results of these efforts may be downloaded in PDF format.

Working papers

Working papers that describe the concepts and methods used by the CSC are available in PDF format:

Updates to the interest rate files (actual rates and budget assumptions)

If you wish to receive an email notification when new material becomes available, please fax your name, email address, and phone number to (202) 395-7230, attn "credit updates."

List of known defects and work-arounds

The dialog box to calculate the zero-subsidy borrower's rate does not work in some instances (reported on 12/9/99).

Files saved in ".123" format may produce a "file may be damaged" message in error (reported on 12/13/99).

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