Building Towards a Cleaner Future

Accelerating the use of existing energy-efficient technologies is an important factor in reducing greenhouse gas emissions Over the longer-term, the solution to the climate change problem depends on developing and deploying new technologies that are even more efficient or are based on non-carbon energy sources.

A range of government programs might help accelerate technological change. Research and development programs generally aim to improve technologies by lowering production and operating costs. Significant R&D opportunities exist in areas such as buildings, transportation, combustion, renewables and sequestration (e.g., fuel cells, advanced industrial turbines, advanced diesel engines, and transportation biofuels). In addition, information dissemination programs assist businesses and consumers in identifying opportunities to reduce the energy intensity of their products or services (e.g., using more energy efficient light bulbs, insulation, appliances, etc.).

Existing Administration initiatives in this area include:

The Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP)

Federal energy consumption

Partnership for a New Generation Vehicle (PNGV)

Partnership for Advancing Technologies in Housing (PATH)

Biomass Energy Initiative

Million Solar Roofs Initiative

The President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)

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