ESBR | Crime | Demography | Education | Health | SSBR |
CHART: Births, Infant Mortality, and Life Expectancy |
Vital Statistics The birth rate and the infant mortality rate continue to decline and life expectancy continues to rise. |
Provided by
National Center for Health Statistics as of February 1999. |
CHART: Doctor Visit in Last Year |
Use of Health Services The proportion of the population with a doctor visit in the last year has risen slowly to about 79% in 1995. |
Provided by
National Center for Health Statistics as of February 1999. |
CHART: Mammograms |
Prevention and Risk The proportion of women over 50 years of age who have had a mammogram within the past 2 years has increased from 27% in 1987 to 60% in 1994. |
Provided by
National Center for Health Statistics as of February 1999. |
CHART: Firearm Deaths |
Health Status Firearm-related deaths declined each year since 1993 after a steady rise from the mid 1980's. There are marked variations in trends by sociodemographic groups. |
Provided by
National Center for Health Statistics as of February 1999. |
CHART: Lyme Disease |
Reportable Diseases Reported cases of Lyme disease decreased significantly between 1996 and 1997, with 12,801 cases in 1997. |
Provided by
National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as of February 1999. |
CHART: Insurance coverage |
Health Care Expenditures and Resources About 71% of persons under 65 years of age are covered by private health insurance. An additional 11% are covered by Medicaid. |
Provided by
National Center for Health Statistics as of February 1999. |
ESBR | Crime | Demography | Education | Health | SSBR |
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