ESBR Crime Demography Education Health SSBR

CHART: Births, Infant Mortality, and Life Expectancy

Vital Statistics

The birth rate and the infant mortality rate continue to decline and life expectancy continues to rise.
Provided by National Center for Health Statistics as of February 1999.

CHART: Doctor Visit in Last Year

Use of Health Services

The proportion of the population with a doctor visit in the last year has risen slowly to about 79% in 1995.
Provided by National Center for Health Statistics as of February 1999.

CHART: Mammograms

Prevention and Risk

The proportion of women over 50 years of age who have had a mammogram within the past 2 years has increased from 27% in 1987 to 60% in 1994.
Provided by National Center for Health Statistics as of February 1999.

CHART: Firearm Deaths

Health Status

Firearm-related deaths declined each year since 1993 after a steady rise from the mid 1980's. There are marked variations in trends by sociodemographic groups.
Provided by National Center for Health Statistics as of February 1999.

CHART: Lyme Disease

Reportable Diseases

Reported cases of Lyme disease decreased significantly between 1996 and 1997, with 12,801 cases in 1997.
Provided by National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as of February 1999.

CHART: Insurance coverage

Health Care Expenditures and Resources

About 71% of persons under 65 years of age are covered by private health insurance. An additional 11% are covered by Medicaid.
Provided by National Center for Health Statistics as of February 1999.

ESBR Crime Demography Education Health SSBR

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