State of the Union For Kids

Photo Gallery

2000 State of the Union Address
Photograph: View of the House Chamber during the President's Address. View of the House Chamber during the President's Address..
[Photo by William Vasta]
Photograph: President Clinton delivering the State of the Union Address. President Clinton delivering the State of the Union Address.
[Photo by William Vasta]
Photograph: President Clinton delivering the State of the Union Address. President Clinton delivering the State of the Union Address.
[Photo by William Vasta]
Photograph: Members of Congress and guests applaud Lloyd Bentsen during the President's Address. Members of Congress and guests applaud Lloyd Bentsen during the President's Address..
[Photo by Sharon Farmer]
Photograph: First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and guests applaud Captain John Cherrey. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and guests applaud Captain John Cherrey..
[Photo by Ralph Alswang]

1999 State of the Union Address
Photograph: First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and guests applaud during the President's address. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and guests applaud during the President's address.
[Photo by Barbara Kinney]
Photograph: Members of Congress rise to applaud during the President's address. Members of Congress rise to applaud during the President's address.
[Photo by Barbara Kinney]
Photograph: President Clinton delivering the State of the Union Address President Clinton delivering the State of the Union Address
[Photo by Sharon Farmer]
Photograph: An overview of the House Chamber during the President's Address An overview of the House Chamber during the President's Address.
[Photo by Barbara Kinney]
Photograph: President Clinton delivering the State of the Union Address President Clinton delivering the State of the Union Address.
[Photo by Barbara Kinney]

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