The Interactive Citizens' Handbook

Your Guide to the U.S. Government

Both the Internet and the use of information technology to distribute government information are evolving rapidly. Here are a number of useful ways of finding what you want:

Searching for something specific:

  1. You can search and subscribe to our White House Publications Service and receive transcripts of Presidential speeches, press releases, fact sheets, and other documents publicly released by the White House.

  2. You can search the White House web site

  3. You can also search all government websites via a database that provides access to the content of all government sites.

  4. The Government Information Locator Service, GILS is a database under development that contains records of all public government information, not just what is available on the Internet.

  5. You can also search our White House Publications.

  6. President Clinton and Vice President Gore are leading a revolution to give you better service from your government.

  7. The White House Web site can also be used to search for competitive job vacancies within the Executive Office of the President.

You can also browse:

  1. You can follow links to these Federal agencies and commissions:

    White House Offices and Agencies
    The President's Cabinet
    Federal Agencies and Commissions
    The Legislative Branch
    The Judicial Branch

  2. Some starting points for useful government information in the following areas:

    Education and Training
    Travel and Tourism
    Arts, Libraries, and Museums
    State and Local Governments

    You can learn more about the United States of America and our government from the United States Information Service.

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