Military Commissary and Exchange Offices

Consumers who shop at military commissaries and exchanges and who have a question or problem should contact the local manager before contacting the regional offices in this section. If your problem is not resolved at the local level, then write or call the regional office nearest you. Be sure to discuss the problem with the local and regional offices before contacting the national headquarters of a commissary or exchange.

Defense Commissary Agency

Northeast Region
Defense Commissary Agency
Northeast Region
Huber Road, Building 2257
Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755­5220
Fax: 301­677­9222/9230

Northwest/Pacific Region
Defense Commissary Agency
Northwest/Pacific Region
Box 339542
Fort Lewis, WA 95433­9542
Fax: 206­967­3663

Southwest Region
Defense Commissary Agency
Southwest Region
Marine Corps Air Station El Toro
Building 694, P.O. Box 96017
Santa Ana, CA 92709­6017
Fax: 714­726­4330

Midwest Region
Defense Commissary Agency
Midwest Region
300 AFCOMS Way, Bldg. 3030
Kelly Air Force Base, TX 78241­6132
210­925­6655, ext. 328
Fax: 210­925­2619

Central Region
Defense Commissary Agency
Central Region
5151 Bonney Road, Suite 201
Virginia Beach, VA 23462­4314
Fax: 804­363­3565

Southern Region
Defense Commissary Agency
Southern Region
60 West Maxwell Boulevard
Maxwell Air Force Base, AL 36112­6307
Fax: 334­953­2346/3725

European Region
Defense Commissary Agency
Europe Region
Unit 3060
Kapaun Air Station, Germany
APO AE 09094­3060
Fax: 011­49­631­3523­104

DeCA Headquarters
Defense Commissary Agency
1300 E Avenue
Fort Lee, VA 23801­1800
Fax: 804­734­8244

Army and Air Force Exchange Service

Northeast Region
P.O. Box 660320
Dallas, TX 75266­0320

Southeast Region
P.O. Box 650447
Dallas, TX 75265­0447

Central Region
P.O. Box 660320
Dallas, TX 75266­0320

Western Region
P.O. Box 650429
Dallas, TX 75265­0429

U.S. Headquarters
Army and Air Force Exchange Service Headquarters
P.O. Box 660202
Dallas, TX 75266­0202

Europe Region
Unit 24580
APO AE 09245
Europe Region
In der Witz 14­18
Building 4001
55252 Mainz­Kastel, Germany

Pacific Region
Unit 35163
APO AP 96378­5163
Okinawa, Japan

Marine Corps Exchange Service

Regional Headquarters
Marine Corps Exchange
Marine Corps Logistics Base, Bldg. 7500
Albany, GA 31704­5003
Fax: 912­439­0324

Marine Corps Exchange
Headquarters Battalion
Henderson Hall
P.O. Box 4009, Bldg. 26
Arlington, VA 22204­4009
Fax: 703­979­0972

Marine Corps Exchange
Marine Corps Logistics Base, Bldg. 319
Barstow, CA 92311­5003
Fax: 619­256­7027

Marine Corps Exchange
Marine Corps Air Station
P.O. Box 50018
Beaufort, SC 29904­5018
Fax: 803­522­7077

Marine Corps Exchange
Marine Corps Base, Bldg. 895
Camp Lejeune, NC 28542­5003
Fax: 910­353­4105

Marine Corps Exchange
Marine Corps Base, Bldg. 1108
Camp Pendleton, CA 92055­5003
Fax: 619­385­0446

Marine Corps Exchange
Marine Corps Air Station
Bldg. 3918
Cherry Point, NC 28533­5003
Fax: 919­447­2922

Marine Corps Exchange
P.O. Box 63073, Bldg. 1404
Kanehoe Bay, HI 96863­5003
Fax: 808­254­7508

Marine Corps Exchange
Camp Elmore
1251 Yalu Street Norfolk, VA 23515­5003
Fax: 804­423­5819

Marine Corps Exchange
Marine Corps Recruit Depot/ERR
Bldg. 202
Parris Island, SC 29905­5003
Fax: 803­525­2872

Marine Corps Exchange
Marine Corps Combat
Development Command
P.O. Box 229, Bldg. 3500
Quantico, VA 22134­0229
Fax: 703­640­6708

Marine Corps Exchange
Marine Corps Recruit Depot/WRR
3800 Chosin Avenue
San Diego, CA 92140­5196
Fax: 619­543­9025

Marine Corps Exchange
Marine Corps Air Bases West
P.O. Box 5010
El Toro, CA 92630
Fax: 714­857­4031

Marine Corps Exchange
Marine Corps Air/Ground
Combat Center, Bldg. 1533
Twentynine Palms, CA 92278­8150
Fax: 619­368­3298

Marine Corps Exchange
Marine Corps Air Station
Bldg. 693
Yuma, AZ 85369­5003
Fax: 520­344­1902

Retail Services Exchange
PSC 561, P.O. Box 1866
FPO AP 96310­1866
Iwakuni, Japan
Fax: 011­81­827­21­7363

Marine Corps Exchange Service
Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps
Quantico, VA 22134
Fax: 703­784­5354

Navy Exchange Service Centers

Navy Exchange Officer
Navy Exchange Service Center
Box 2
Jacksonville, FL 33212­0104
Fax: 904­777­7221

General Manager
Navy Exchange Service Center
1560 Arleigh Burke Crescent
Norfolk, VA 23511­3898
Fax: 804­444­2131

General Manager
Navy Exchange Service Center
P.O. Box 133
Pearl Harbor, HI 96860
Fax: 808­422­7897

Navy Exchange Officer
Navy Exchange Service Center
Naval Station
Box 368036
San Diego, CA 92136­8036
Fax: 619­231­7826

Commanding Officer
U.S. Navy Exchange Service Center Europe
PSC 810, Box 33
FPO AE 09619­0033
Fax: 011­39­81­724­43

Selected Federal Agencies

Many Federal agencies have enforcement and/or complaint-handling duties for products and services used by the general public. Others act for the benefit of the public, but do not resolve individual consumer problems.

Agencies also have fact sheets, booklets and other information which might be helpful in making purchase decisions and dealing with consumer problems. If you wish to access Federal agencies electronically, the websites and/or e-mail addresses are listed for a number of them. The numbers for text telephones (TDD/TTY) are in bold type.

If you need help in deciding whom to contact with your consumer problem, check the index at the end of this book or call the Federal Information Center (FIC) toll free on 800­688­9889.

The Federal agencies listed below respond to consumer complaints and inquiries.

Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (ACCESS Board)

1331 F Street, N.W., Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20004­1111
Fax: 202­272­5447
Toll free: 800­872­2253

Commission on Civil Rights

Look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government, Civil Rights Commission." If it does not appear, call the FIC toll free on 800­688­9889 or contact:
Commission on Civil Rights
624 9th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20425
202­376­8513 (complaint referral in DC)
Toll free: 800­552­6843 (complaint referral outside DC)
TDD nationwide: 202­376­8116 (complaint referral) 202­376­8128 (publications)
202­376­8312 (public affairs)

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)

Lafayette Centre
1155 21st Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20581
202­418­5506 (complaints)
202­418­5080 (information)
TDD: 202­418­5514 (complaints)
TDD: 202­418­5515 (information)

Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

Call the CPSC hotline to report a hazardous product or product­related injury weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Recorded messages on safety recommendations and product recalls are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call or write:
Product Safety Hotline
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Washington, DC 20207
Toll free: 800­638­CPSC (2772)
TDD toll free: 800­638­8270
Fax-on-demand: 301­504­0051

Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Public Affairs
Department of Agriculture
4700 River Road, Unit 51
Riverdale, MD 20737

Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
Department of Agriculture
1120 20th Street, N.W.,
Room 200
Washington, DC 20036

Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service
Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Room 3328­S
Washington, DC 20250
Or consult county or city government listings in your local telephone directory for the number of your local Cooperative Extension Service office.

Food and Consumer Service
Office of Consumer Affairs
Department of Agriculture
3101 Park Center Drive,
Room 813­B
Alexandria, VA 22302

Inspector General's Hotline
Office of the Inspector General
Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 23399
Washington, DC 20026
Toll free: 800­424­9121

Meat and Poultry Hotline
Food Safety and Inspection Service
Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Room 2925­S
Washington, DC 20250
Voice/TDD: 202­720­3333
Voice/TDD toll free outside DC: 800­535­4555

Office of Communications
Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Room 507­A
Washington, DC 20250

Rural Economic and Community Development
Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Avenue, S.E., Room 5037­S
Washington, DC 20250

Department of Commerce

Bureau of the Census
Customer Services
Washington, DC 20233
Fax: 301­457­4714
Fax-on-demand: 900­555­2FAX

Office of Consumer Affairs
Department of Commerce
Room 5718
Washington, DC 20230
Fax: 202­482­6007
Fax-on-demand: 202­501­1191

National Institute of Standards and Technology
Office of Weights and Measures
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Fax: 301­926­0647
Fax-on-demand: 800­925­2453

Metric Program
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Fax: 301­948­1416

National Marine Fisheries Service
Inspection Services Division
Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
1315 East­West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Fax: 301­713­1081
Toll free: 800­HACCP50 (voluntary fishery products inspection program)

National Weather Service
Constituent Affairs
Washington, DC 20230
Fax: 202­482­3154

Patent and Trademark Office
2121 Crystal Drive, Suite 0100
Arlington, VA 22202
Fax: 703­308­5258

Department of Defense

Office of National Ombudsman
National Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve
1555 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 200
Arlington, VA 22209­2405
Toll free outside DC: 800­336­4590
Provides assistance with employer/employee problems for members of the Guard and Reserve and their employers.

Department of Education

Clearinghouse on Disability Information
Department of Education
330 C Street, S.W., Room 3132
Washington, DC 20202­2524
Voice/TDD: 202­205­8241

National Clearinghouse on Bilingual Education Hotline
Department of Education
1118 22nd Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20037
Toll free outside DC: 800­321­NCBE

Office of Governmental and Interagency Affairs
Department of Education
600 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Room 3061
Washington, DC 20202

Office of Public Affairs
Department of Education
600 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Room 2200
Washington, DC 20202

Student Financial Aid Information
Department of Education
P.O. Box 84
Washington, DC 20044
Toll free: 800­4FED­AID (433­3243) (For general information on student loans, grants and scholarships available from the Department of Education.)
For questions on a defaulted account, call the Default Line: Toll free 800­621­3115.

Department of Energy

For information about conservation and renewable energy:

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse
Department of Energy
P.O. Box 3048
Merrifield, VA 22116
Toll free: 800­363­3732
TDD toll free: 800­273­2957
BBS: 800­273­2955

For inquiries about weatherization assistance:
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Department of Energy
Washington, DC 20585

Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs
Department of Energy
Washington, DC 20585

Office of Scientific and Technical Information
Department of Energy
P.O. Box 62
Oak Ridge, TN 37831
(written inquiries only)

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)


AIDS Hotline
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Toll Free: 800­342­AIDS (342­2437) (24 hrs.) Toll free: 800­344­SIDA (344­7432) (for Spanish speaking, 8 a.m.-2 a.m.)
TDD toll free: 800­243­7889 (Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-10 p.m.)

Cancer Hotline
Toll free: 800­4­CANCER

Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline
Toll free outside DC: 800­394­3366

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government, Health and Human Services Department, Food and Drug Administration." If it does not appear, call the Federal Information Center toll free on 800­688­9889 or contact:
Consumer Affairs and Information Staff
Food and Drug Administration
Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 16­75
Rockville, MD 20857
301­443­3170 or
Toll free: 800­532­4440

Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
202­205­4314 or
Toll free: 800­332­4010

Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA)
Division of Beneficiary Services
Department of Health and Human Services
6325 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21207
Toll free: 800­638­6833
(This is a taped answering service; a specialist will return your call.)

Hill­Burton Free Hospital Care Hotline
Toll free in MD: 800­492­0359
Toll free outside MD: 800­638­0742

Inspector General's Hotline
P.O. Box 23489
Washington, DC 20026
Toll free: 800­HHS­TIPS

National Health Information Center
Department of Health and Human Services
P.O. Box 1133
Washington, DC 20013­1133
301­565­4167 (DC Metro Area) Toll free: 800­336­4797

National Runaway Switchboard
Toll free: 800­621­4000

Office of Child Support Enforcement
Department of Health and Human Services
Washington, DC 20447

Office for Civil Rights
Department of Health and Human Services
Washington, DC 20201
215­546­1570 (Spanish)
Toll free outside DC: 800­368­1019
TDD toll free: 800­537­7697

Office of Managed Care
Department of Health and Human Services
7500 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21244
Medicare Hotline toll free: 800­638­6833

President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
Department of Health and Human Services
701 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Suite 250
Washington, DC 20004

Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Home Improvement Insurance Branch
Department of Housing and Urban Development
L'Enfant Plaza
Room 3214
Washington, DC 20410

Home Mortgage Insurance Division
Single Family Housing
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 Seventh Street, S.W.
Room 9272
Washington, DC 20410

Inspector General's Fraud Hotline
Toll free outside DC: 800-347­3735

Interstate Land Sales/RESPA Division
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 Seventh Street, S.W.
Room 9146
Washington, DC 20410

Manufactured Housing and Construction Standards Division
Department of Housing and Urban Development
L'Enfant Plaza
Room 3214
Washington, DC 20410

Office of Affordable Housing Programs
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 Seventh Street, S.W.
Room 7164
Washington, DC 20410

Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 Seventh Street, S.W.
Room 5100
Washington, DC 20410
Toll free: 800­669­9777 (hotline complaints)

Department of the Interior

Bureau of Indian Affairs
Department of the Interior
Washington, DC 20240

Bureau of Land Management
Department of the Interior
Washington, DC 20240

Fish and Wildlife Service
Department of the Interior Washington, DC 20240

Geological Survey
Department of the Interior
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 22092

National Park Service
Department of the Interior
Washington, DC 20240

Department of Justice

Antitrust Division
Department of Justice
Washington, DC 20530

Civil Rights Division
Look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government, Justice Department, Civil Rights Division." If it does not appear, call the Federal Information Center toll free on 800­688­9889 or contact:

Civil Rights Division
Department of Justice
Washington, DC 20530

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government, Justice Department, Drug Enforcement Administration." If it does not appear, call the Federal Information Center toll free on 800­688­9889 or contact:
Drug Enforcement Administration
Department of Justice
Washington, DC 20537

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Look inside the front cover of your telephone directory for the number of the nearest FBI office. If it does not appear, look under "U.S. Government, Justice Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation." You also may contact:
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Department of Justice
Washington, DC 20535

Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government, Justice Department, Immigration and Naturalization Service." If it does not appear, call the Federal Information Center toll free on 800­688­9889 or contact:
Immigration and Naturalization Service
Department of Justice
425 I Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20536
TDD: 202­514­0139

Department of Labor

Office of Public Affairs
Department of Labor
Washington, DC 20210
202­219­7316 (general inquiries)

Employment and Training Administration
Look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government, Labor Department, Employment and Training Administration." If it does not appear, call the Federal Information Center toll free on 800­688­9889 or contact:
Employment and Training Administration
Office of Public Affairs
Department of Labor
Washington, DC 20210

Employment Standards Administration
Office of Public Affairs
Department of Labor
Washington, DC 20210

Mine Safety and Health Administration
Office of Information and Public Affairs
Department of Labor
Ballston Towers #3
Arlington, VA 22203

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government, Labor Department, Occupational Safety and Health Administration." If it does not appear, call the Federal Information Center toll free on 800­688­9889 or contact:
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Office of Information and Consumer Affairs
Department of Labor
Washington, DC 20210

Office of the Assistant Secretary for Veterans' Employment and Training
Department of Labor
Washington, DC 20210
Toll free: 800­442­2VET (Veterans' Job Rights Hotline)

Office of Labor Management Standards
Department of Labor
Washington, DC 20210

Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration
Office of Program Services
Department of Labor
Washington, DC 20210

Women's Bureau
The Women's Bureau Clearinghouse has available a "Know Your Rights" series of information covering women's work issues such as sexual harassment, pregnancy discrimination, and family and medical leave. The Clearinghouse also provides information to employers and employees about the work and family issues of dependent care (child and/or elder care) policies.
Contact: Women's Bureau
Department of Labor
Washington, DC 20210
Toll free: 800­827­5335 (24 hours) Website:

Department of State

Bureau of Consular Affairs Overseas Citizens Services
Department of State
Washington, DC 20520
202­647­5225 (emergencies and non-emergencies, Mon.-Fri., 8:15a.m.-10 p.m.)
After hours emergencies, Sundays, holidays, call 202­647­4000 and ask for duty officer.)

Passport Services
Washington Passport Agency
1111 19th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20524

Visa Services
Department of State
Washington, DC 20520

Department of Transportation (DOT)

Federal Aviation Administration (AOA­20) Washington, DC 20591
Toll free: 800­FAA­SURE (consumer hotline)

Air Safety:
Federal Aviation Administration (ASY­300)
Washington, DC 20591
Toll free: 800­255­1111 (safety hotline)

Airline Service Complaints:
Federal Aviation Administration (C 75)
Aviation Consumer Protection Division
Washington, DC 20590

Auto Safety Hotline and Fax-on-Demand Service
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
Washington, DC 20590
Toll free outside DC: 800­424­9393
TDD: 202­366­7899
TDD toll free outside DC: 800­424­9153

Boating Safety Classes:
Boat U.S. Foundation
880 S. Pickett Street
Alexandria, VA 22304
Toll free: 800­336­2628

Boating Safety Hotline:
United States Coast Guard (G­NAB­5)
2100 Second Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20593
Toll free: 800­368­5647

Oil and Chemical Spills:
United States Coast Guard
National Response Center
2100 Second Street, S.W.
Room 2611
Washington, DC 20593­0001
202­267­2100 Toll free: 800­424­8802

Railway Safety:
Federal Railroad Administration
Office of Safety (RRS)
400 Seventh Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20590

Department of the Treasury

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
Look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government, Treasury Department, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms." If it does not appear, call the Federal Information Center toll free on 800­688­9889 or contact:
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
Department of the Treasury
650 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20226
To report lost or stolen explosives, or to report explosive
incidents or bombings, call:
Toll outside DC: 800­283­4867 Website:

Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Office of Communications
Department of the Treasury
14th and C Streets, S.W., Room 109M
Washington, DC 20228

Bureau of the Public Debt
Public Affairs Officer
Office of the Commissioner
Department of the Treasury
999 E Street, N.W., Room 553
Washington, DC 20239­0001

Comptroller of the Currency
The Comptroller of the Currency handles complaints about national banks, i.e., banks that have the word "National" in their names or the initials "N.A" after their names. For assistance, look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government, Treasury Department, Comptroller of the Currency." If it does not appear, call the Federal Information Center toll free on 800­688­9889 or contact:
Comptroller of the Currency
Compliance Management, Customer Assistance Unit 250 E Street, S.W.
Mail Stop 3­9
Washington, DC 20219­0001
Toll free: 800­613­6743

Financial Management Service
Office of Legislative and Public Affairs
Department of the Treasury
401 14th Street, S.W., Room 555
Washington, DC 20227

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government, Treasury Department, Internal Revenue Service." If it does not appear, call the Federal Information Center toll free on 800­688­9889 or call:
Toll free: 800­829­1040 (information and problem resolution)

Office of Thrift Supervision
The Office of Thrift Supervision handles complaints about Federal savings and loans and Federal savings banks. For assistance, contact:
Office of Thrift Supervision
Division of Consumer and Civil Rights
1700 G Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20552
Toll free: 800­842­6929

United States Customs Service
Look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government, Treasury Department, U.S. Customs Service." If it does not appear, call the Federal Information Center toll free on 800­688­9889.

To report fraudulent import practices, drug smuggling activity, or other illegal food or hazardous substances, call U.S. Customs Service's Hotline:
Toll free: 800­BE­ALERT.

United States Mint
Customer Relations Division
Department of the Treasury
633 Third Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20220

United States Savings Bonds Division
Department of the Treasury
Office of Public Affairs
800 K Street, N.W., Suite 800
Washington, DC 20226
Toll free: 800­4US­BOND (toll free recording)

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

For information about VA medical care or benefits, write, call or visit your nearest VA facility. Your telephone directory will list a VA medical center or regional office under "U.S. Government, Department of Veterans Affairs," or under "U.S.Government, Veterans Administration." You also may contact the offices listed below.

For information about benefits:
Veterans Benefits Administration (27)
Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20420
Toll free: 800­827­1000

For information about medical care:
Veterans Health Administration (167)
810 Vermont Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20420

For information about burials, headstones or markers, and presidential memorial certificates:
National Cemetery System (402B2)
Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20420

For consumer information or general assistance:
Consumer Affairs Service (075B)
Department of Veterans Affairs 810 Vermont Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20420

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Asbestos Information
Hotline: 202­554­1404
Fax: 202­554­5603

Emergency Planning and Community Right­to­Know Information
Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460
Toll free Hotline: 800­535­0202
Fax: 703­412­3333

General Information on Environmental Issues
Toll free: 800­227­8917 (CO, MO, ND, SD, UT, WY residents only)
Fax: 303­312­7061

Indoor Air Quality Information Clearinghouse
Toll free: 800­438­4318
Fax: 202­233­9555

Inspector General's Whistle Blower Hotline
Toll free outside DC: 800­424­4000
Fax: 202­260­6976

National Pesticides Telecommunications Network (NPTN)
Toll free: 800­858­7378
Toll free outside TX: 800­858­PEST
Fax: 541­737­0761

Office of Public Liaison
Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460
Fax: 202­260­0130

Public Information Center PIC (3406)
Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460
202­260­2080 (general information)
Fax: 202­260­6257

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
RCRA/Superfund/UST Hotline
Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20460
Toll free outside DC: 800­424­9346
Fax: 703­412­3333

Safe Drinking Water Hotline
Toll free: 800­426­4791
Fax: 703­285­1101

Toxic Substances Control Act Assistance Information Service
Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, DC 20024
Fax: 202­554­5603

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission." If it does not appear, call the Federal Information Center toll free on 800­688­9889 or contact:

Office of Communications and Legislative Affairs
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
1801 L Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20507
Toll free outside DC area: 800­669­4000 (file­a­charge information)
Toll free: 800­669­3362 (publications)
TDD Toll free outside DC area: 800­669­6820 (file­a­charge information)
TDD toll free: 800­669­3302 (publications)

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

General information: Public Services Division
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, N.W., Room 254
Washington, DC 20554
Toll free: 888­322­8255
TTY: 202­418­2555

Complaints about telephone systems:
Common Carrier Bureau
Consumer Protection Division
Federal Communications Commission
2025 M Street, N.W., Room 6202
Washington, DC 20554

Complaints about radio or television:
Mass Media Bureau
Enforcement Division
Federal Communications Commission
2025 M Street, N.W., Room 8210
Washington, DC 20554

Cable service:
Federal Communications Commission
2033 M Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

FDIC handles questions about deposit insurance coverage and complaints about FDIC­ insured state banks which are not members of the Federal Reserve System. For assistance, look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation." If it does not appear, call the Federal Information Center toll free on 800­688­9889 or contact:

Division of Compliance and Consumer Affairs
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
550 17th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20429­9990
Toll free: 800­934­3342

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Look in your telephone directory under U.S. Government, Federal Emergency Management Agency. If it does not appear, call the Federal Information Center toll free on 800­688­9889 or contact:

Federal Insurance Administration
Federal Emergency Management Agency
500 C Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20472
Toll free: 800­638­6620

Office of Emergency Information and Media Affairs
E-mail: (general inquiries)
Fax-on-demand: 202­646­FEMA (24-hour service)

Office of Inspector General
Waste, Fraud and Abuse Hotline
Toll free: 800­323­8603

Response and Recovery Directorate
Federal Emergency Management Agency
500 C Street, S.W., Room 705
Washington, DC 20472
Disaster victims living in presidentially-declared major disaster areas can find out if they are eligible to apply for disaster assistance by calling:

Toll free: 800­462­4029
TDD toll free: 800­462­7585

U.S. Fire Administration
Federal Emergency Management Agency, NETC
16825 South Seton Avenue
Emmitsburg, MD 21727
202­646­2449 Website:

Federal Maritime Commission

Office of Informal Inquiries and Complaints
800 North Capitol Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20573

Federal Reserve System

The Board of Governors handles consumer complaints about state­chartered banks and trust companies which are members of the Federal Reserve System. For assistance, look in your telephone directory under U.S. Government, Federal Reserve System, Board of Governors," or "Federal Reserve Bank." If neither appears, call the Federal Information Center toll free on 800­688­9889 or contact:

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Division of Consumer and Community Affairs
Washington, DC 20551
TDD: 202­452­3544

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government, Federal Trade Commission." If it does not appear, call the Federal Information Center toll free on 800­688­9889 or contact:

Correspondence Branch
Federal Trade Commission
Washington, DC 20580 (written complaints only)

Public Reference Section
Federal Trade Commission
6th & Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Room 130
Washington, DC 20580
202­326­2222 (publications)

General Services Administration (GSA)

Business Service Centers
Look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government, General Services Administration." If this does not appear, call the Federal Information Center or access the GSA website:
Consumer Information Center (CIC)
CIC publishes the free Consumer Information Catalog which lists more than 200 free and low­cost Federal booklets on a wide variety of consumer topics. For a free copy of the Catalog, write to:

Consumer Information Catalog
Pueblo, CO 81009
Website: (access to the Catalog and full text of all publications)
CIC bulletin board: 202­208­7679.

Federal Information Center
(see page 3)

Federal Information Relay Service
(see page 114)

Surplus Federal Property Sales
GSA disposes of both personal property and real estate. Look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government, General Services Administration." If it does not appear, call the Federal Information Center toll free on 800­688­9889.

Government Printing Office (GPO)

Government Publications
Government Printing Office
P.O. Box 371954
Pittsburgh, PA 15250­7954

Subscriptions to Periodicals
Government Printing Office
P.O. Box 371954
Pittsburgh, PA 15250­7954

National Archives and Records Administration

8th and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20408
TDD: 202­501­5404
Fax: 202­501­7154

National Archives and Records Administration at College Park (Archives II)
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740­6001
Fax: 301­713­6920

Federal Register
National Archives and Records Administration
800 N. Capitol Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20408
TDD: 202­523­5229 Fax: 202­523­6866

National Council on Disability (NCD)

1331 F Street, N.W.
Suite 1050
Washington, DC 20004­1107
TDD: (202) 272­2074

National Credit Union Administration

The National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund provides Federal insurance for nearly 13,000 credit unions. Look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government, National Credit Union Administration." If it does not appear, call the Federal Information Center toll free on 800­688­9889 or contact:

National Credit Union Administration
1775 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314­3428

National Labor Relations Board

Office of the Executive Secretary
1099 14th Street, N.W., Room 11600
Washington, DC 20570

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)

Office of Public Affairs
Washington, DC 20555

Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation

Customer Service Center
1200 K Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20005
TDD: 202­326­4179

Postal Rate Commission

Office of the Consumer Advocate
Postal Rate Commission
1333 H Street, N.W.
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20268

Postal Service

If you experience difficulty when ordering merchandise or conducting business transactions through the mail, or suspect that you have been the victim of a mail fraud or misrepresentation scheme, contact your postmaster or local Postal Inspector. Look in your telephone directory under "U.S. Government, Postal Service U.S." for these local listings. If they do not appear, contact:

Chief Postal Inspector
U.S. Postal Service
Washington, DC 20260­2100

For consumer convenience, all post offices and letter carriers have postage­free Consumer Service Cards available for reporting mail problems and submitting comments and suggestions. If the problem cannot be resolved using the Consumer Service Card or through direct contact with the local post office, write or call:

Consumer Advocate
United States Postal Service
Washington, DC 20260­2200
TDD: 202­268­2310

President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities

1331 F Street, N.W., Suite 300
Washington, DC 20004­1107
TDD: 202­376­6205

Railroad Retirement Board

844 North Rush Street
Chicago, IL 60611­2092

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Mail Stop 11­2
Washington, DC 20549
For information and complaints:

Office of Investor Education and Assistance
Fax: 202­942­9634

For information and to order publications:
Toll free: 800­SEC­0330 Website:

Small Business Administration (SBA)

Consumer Affairs
409 Third Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20416
Toll free: 800­U­ASK­SBA (information)

Social Security Administration

Office of Public Inquiries
6401 Security Boulevard
Baltimore, MD 21235
Toll free: 800­772­1213

Surface Transportation Board (STB)

1925 K Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20006

Complaints about railroad rates and services:
Office of Compliance and Enforcement
General information:
Office of Public Services
Fax: 202­927­5158
Press releases:
Office of Press Service
Fax: 202­927­6107

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Public Relations
400 West Summit Hill Drive
Knoxville, TN 37902

United States Information Agency

301 4th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20547

TDD Services for Hearing and Speech Impaired Individuals

Hearing or speech impaired individuals who use a Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD or TTY) can get assistance for calls to a TDD number by calling:

Toll free 800­855­1155

If you need assistance and you have TDD equipment, this number will put you in touch with a TDD operator who can help you with the following:

Telecommunications Relay Services

Telecommunications relay services are a way to link telephone conversations between hearing individuals, using a standard (voice) telephone, and hearing and speech impaired individuals, using a TDD. Relay services allow hearing individuals to call TDD numbers and allow hearing and speech impaired individuals to call standard (voice) telephone numbers. Calls can be made from a standard (voice) telephone number to a TDD number or from a TDD number to a standard (voice) telephone number.

Local Telecommunications Relay Services

To comply with the "Telecommunications" portion of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a number of states operate local relay services to link hearing and hearing- and speech-impaired individuals in their local areas. Consult your local telephone directory for information on the use, services provided and dialing instructions for your local relay.

Federal Information Relay Service

The Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS) provides telecommunications service accessibility for individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing and speech impaired to conduct official business nationwide with and in the Federal Government. FIRS serves as an intermediary for conversations between hearing individuals, deaf, hard of hearing and speech impaired individuals using Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf (TDD/TTY). FIRS toll free TDD/TTY/voice number is 800­877­8339.

For more information on relay communications or to obtain a FIRS brochure on how to use the FIRS service, call toll free: 800­877­0996 (TDD/TTY/voice).

If you would like copies of the U.S. Government TDD/TTY Directory, write:

Consumer Information Center
Department 582C
Pueblo, CO 81009

Books for Blind and Physically Disabled Persons

The Library of Congress has a free reading program for anyone who is unable to read standard printed materials as a result of temporary or permanent visual or physical limitations. More than 106,900 books, magazines and other publications in 15 million copies are available in braille and/or audio recordings. Information and catalogs for selecting reading material are issued in large print, braille, recorded, computer-diskette and CD-ROM editions, and on the Internet.

Special playback equipment is distributed on free loan from the Library of Congress. Cassettes and records can be ordered from approximately 143 cooperating libraries. Anyone who is medically certified as unable to hold a book or who is unable to read ordinary print because of a visual handicap may borrow and return these materials, postage-free. For more information, call or write:

National Library Service for the Blind
and Physically Handicapped
The Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20542
Toll free: 800­424­9100

Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic (RFB&D) is a national, non-profit organization that provides recorded textbooks, library services and other educational resources for people who cannot read standard print because of a visual, perceptual or physical disability. RFB&D has a 75,000-volume lending library of audio books. Special 4-track tape players and recorders are available for purchase through RFB&D for use with the audio books. RFB&D's line of tape players and recorders includes four portable models and two desktop models--all of which are affordable, lightweight and readily available.

RFB&D also offers the non-profit sale of books on computer disk (E-Text). The E-Text collection contains more than 500 titles, ranging from computer manuals and works of literature to an assortment of reference books.

RFB&D offers two forms of membership--Individual and Institutional. There is a registration fee of $50 and an annual fee of $25 for individual members. Schools and agencies may purchase a level of institutional membership that meets the needs of the students they serve.

For more information or to request an application, call, write or visit the website:

Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic
20 Roszel Road
Princeton, NJ 08540
Toll free: 800­221­4792


Handbook Contents