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Please note: Presidential addresses and the White House press releases may be found in Publications

July 29, 1997

President Clinton Announces Balanced Budget Agreement

July 26, 1997

Lake Tahoe Presidential Forum

July 25, 1997

National Association of Elementary School Principals Event

July 24, 1997

President Clinton Meets With Top Scientists to Discuss Climate Change

July 23, 1997

Immunization-Child Care Announcement

White House Conference on Child Care Announcement

July 17, 1997

Remarks at NAACP Convention

Remarks to the National Association of Black Journalists

July 16, 1997

A Strategy for a Family Friendly Internet

July 9, 1997

President Clinton's Trip to Spain, Poland, Romania and Denmark

July 3, 1997

Independence Day, 1997

July 1, 1997

Framework for Electronic Commerce

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