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Please note: Presidential addresses and the White House press releases may be found in Publications

April 29, 1998

President Clinton Honors Winter Olympic and Paralympic Athletes

April 28, 1998

President Clinton Meets with Medicare and Social Security Trustees

April 27, 1998

President Clinton Receives Report on Minority Youth Tobacco Use

President Clinton Speaks at 50th Anniversary of Israel Event

April 24, 1998

President Clinton Hosts Teacher of the Year Event

President Clinton Speaks to Supporters of the 1993 Budget

April 23, 1998

President Clinton Calls for Better, Safer, More Affordable Child Care

April 22, 1998

President Clinton Celebrates Earth Day at Harper's Ferry

Earth Day 1998

April 21, 1998

President Clinton Highlights Legislative Agenda

April 20, 1998

President Clinton Urges Congress To Pass Comprehensive Tobacco

President Clinton Addresses Joint Session of Chilean Congress

April 15, 1998

President Clinton Speaks to Alabama Diasaster Victims

President Clinton Participates in ESPN Race Town Hall

April 14, 1998

President Clinton Visits Johnson Space Center

President Clinton Calls Astronauts

President Clinton Announces OMB Director Raines' Departure

April 13, 1998

President Clinton Commends Northern Ireland Peace Agreement

April 09, 1998

President Clinton Challenges Teens to Stop Smoking

April 08, 1998

President Clinton Highlights Need For School Construction

April 07, 1998

President Clinton Speaks at Social Security Panel Discussion

President Clinton Participates in Social Security Forum

April 06, 1998

President Announces Ban on Assualt Weapons

April 03, 1998

President Clinton Discusses the Strength of America's Economy

March 23-April 2, 1998

Daily Updates from the President's Trip to Africa

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