Thomas Kalil serves as a Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, and is the National Economic Councils point person on a wide range of technology and telecommunications issues. The NEC is a White House organization created by President Clinton to coordinate economic policy. In addition to his role in shaping the Administration's National Information Infrastructure agenda, he also served as the U.S. National Coordinator for the G-8 Global Information Society pilot projects. Tom served as an advisor to the Clinton-Gore campaign on technology and competitiveness issues, and helped organize the Little Rock Economic Summit.
Prior to joining the campaign, Tom was a trade specialist at the Washington offices of Dewey Ballantine, where he represented the Semiconductor Industry Association on U.S.-Japan trade issues and technology policy.
Tom received a B.A. in political science and international economics from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and completed graduate work at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. He is the author of articles on nuclear strategy, U.S.-Japan trade negotiations, U.S.-Japan cooperation in science and technology, the National Information Infrastructure, distributed learning, and electronic commerce.
Tom is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Association for Computing Machinery, the Internet Society, and the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
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