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President Clinton Calls for Renewal of the Federal Government-University Research Partnership for the 21st Century
Your Comments
The NSTC seeks public comment on the recommendations contained in the report. In particular, comments received from stakeholders will be of great benefit to the NSTC as it works to finalize the proposed principles of the government-university partnership over the coming year. Click on the Report button to the left if you wish to review the report before providing comment. It was in order to provide the opportunity for such inputs that the principles were issued in draft form in the report.

The principles of the partnership will be critically important to its future. Your comments are invited on the proposed principles and on the report’s other recommendations. As stated in the report "[a] clearly articulated statement of the principles of the partnership [between the Federal government and universities] would help clarify the roles, responsibilities, and expectations of each of the partners and establish a framework for addressing future issues as they arise. Ultimately, an agreed-upon statement of principles would also serve to shape future discussions, formulate policies, and help guide decision making.".

At the request of OSTP, which administers the NSTC in the Executive Office of the President, electronic comments are being collected and analyzed by the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP). The FDP is a cooperative effort among research institutions and Federal agencies convened by the Government-Industry-University Research Roundtable of the National Academies of Sciences and Engineering and the Institute of Medicine to improve the management of Federally-funded research. The NSTC's Committee on Science is responsible for evaluating the results of FDP initiatives in this area and for assisting in translating related recommendations into common Federal practices. Copies of comments submitted via this electronic system will be provided to OSTP. The information collected by the FDP will only be used in its development of the analysis provided to OSTP.

  • If you prefer to send a letter, please mail to: Dr. Arthur Bienenstock, Associate Director for Science, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the President, Washington, D.C. 20502.
  • Another means for you to provide comments on the report will be through a series of regional meetings convened by OSTP in cooperation with host universities. Click on Upcoming Events for information about these meetings.
  • Universities, university associations, professional societies, or other organizations may hold meetings and provide another avenue for your input. These organizations are encouraged to provide the results of their meetings to OSTP. Contact them if you wish to learn about their plans.

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