The partnership in science and technology that
has evolved between the Federal government and American universities has yielded benefits
that are vital to each. It continues to prove exceptionally productive, successfully
promoting the discovery of knowledge, stimulating technological innovation, improving the
quality of life, educating and training the next generation of scientists and engineers,
and contributing to Americas economic prosperity. As with all successful
partnerships, it is occasionally appropriate to review and reaffirm
the partnership and find ways to strengthen it. At the urging of the Presidents
Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology, state governors, industry leaders,
elected officials, and leaders in education, the Assistant to the President for
Science and Technology issued a Presidential Review Directive in September 1996, directing
the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) to review the government-university
partnership in research and associated educational activities, and to recommend ways to
strengthen it. The goal was to assess and reaffirm the principles of the partnership,
promote cost-effective university-based research, ensure fair allocation of research
costs, and support the linkage between research and education, all while maintaining
appropriate accountability for expenditure of public funds. Where appropriate, the
findings and recommendations emerging from this review also apply to nonprofit independent
research institutes.
The review was carried out by a multiagency Task Force under the auspices of the NSTC
Committee on Science. The Task Force solicited the views of universities, university
associations, and the Federal research agencies regarding the issues they considered most
pressing. These responses provided the basis for the interagency discussions and for the
reports findings and recommendations.
The NSTC finds that the partnership is sound and continues to serve the nation in
important ways. The NSTC identified a number of areas in which the partnership can be
strengthened and will take action in three areas. First, the NSTC is issuing
a proposed statement of the principles of the partnership to clarify the roles,
responsibilities, and expectations of the parties and provide a framework for the
development and analysis of future policies, rules, regulations, and laws. The principles
will be finalized, in consultation with universities and other interested parties,
including the Congress, within twelve months from the date this report is issued. Second,
the NSTC reaffirms the importance to the nation, to the research enterprise, and to the
future scientific and engineering workforce, of the linkage between research and
education. The NSTC will take actions to strengthen this linkage, and urges universities
to do likewise. Third, the NSTC, through the Federal agencies that fund
university-based research, will implement a set of actions to help make the partnership
more effective and efficient. Finally, the NSTC will establish a mechanism
to provide for ongoing review of the partnership