The Institute coordinates diversity education programs for schools, universities, corporations, community organizations, and law enforcement agencies in an effort to combat prejudice, promote democratic ideals, and strengthen pluralism
The program is an award-winning summer program created by The National Conference for youth and emerging leaders to focus on reducing prejudice and increasing understanding among people of different races and ethnicities
A program that motivates Puerto Rican youth to stay in school and offer them career guidance
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America Diversity Initiatives
A special effort implemented by Big Brothers Big Sisters of America to increase diversity among the staff and volunteers
Career Beginnings
A Boston, MA-based program that works with high school students to prepare them for higher education and employment
Center for Applied Linguistics: Program in Language and Public Policy
A resource center for information on the application of language in public policy issues
Center for Living Democracy
The Center publishes information that provides practical lessons and success stories that help lead to cross-cultural collaboration in solving community problems
City Year
The Boston-based program began in 1988 to generate community service projects that break down social barriers, inspire citizens to civic action, develop new leaders for the common good, and improve and promote the concept of voluntary national service
Common Destiny Alliance
An alliance of organizations and scholars that uses research to identify effective educational practices and improve race relations in America
Community Outreach
A Washington, DC program that encourages civic participation among people of racial backgrounds
Congress of National Black Churches
An ecumenical coalition of eight major historically black denominations created to bring different racial groups together through its programs
Cultural Diversity Fieldbook Network Project
An Amherst, MA project that produces publications that feature essays on racial diversity
Cultural Diversity Program, American Lung Association
Culturally sensitive programs and services which improve access to health care within urban communities
Education Alliance in Equity and Excellence in the Nation's Schools
An alliance of people committed to supporting and strengthening racially integrated educational settings
Facing History and Ourselves
A non-profit foundation devoted to helping middle and high school students by teaching about the dangers of indifference and the values of civility
Green Circle Program
A human relations education program designed to promote intergroup relationships
Institute for the Study of Academic Racism
A resource center for tracking the ideological foundations of racism
ISM (N.) National Diversity Project
A North Carolina based project that uses multimedia communication efforts to build young people's civic skills for working together across the lines of difference and utilizing diversity as a strength
Journey Toward Wholeness
An anti-racism transformation process
Leadership Conference Education Fund
The Washington, D.C.-based program was established in 1969 to support educational activities relevant to civil rights issues
National Asian Family/School Partnership Project
The National Asian Family/School Partnership Project helps to eliminate racial disparities and improve inter-ethnic dialogue by overcoming the challenges and needs that immigrant Asian families face as their children attend U.S. public schools
National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice
A Washington, DC program that promotes civil rights issues within the Roman Catholic Church
National Center on Black-Jewish Relations
A New Orleans, LA center that engages students and community leaders in discussions on how to improve race relations
National Coalition Building Institute
The Washington, D.C.-based institute is a nonprofit leadership-training organization founded in 1984 that eliminates prejudice and intergroup conflict in communities around the country
National Conference
The Conference fights bias, bigotry, and racism in America through a variety of programs and workshops.
National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in American Higher Education
The annual conference held, in different cities across the country, which addresses issues of conflict resolution and promotes cooperation and understanding among people of diverse ethnic backgrounds in higher education
National Migration Week
A conference designed to educate the native-born U.S. population about the similarities between them, immigrants in their community, and refugees around the world
National Multicultural Institute
An organization that sponsors workshops and training sessions on issues relating to racial and ethnic diversity
National Youth Sports Program
A national resource that provides economically disadvantaged young people with a summer enrichment program which promote job skills, personal health and drug prevention within the framework of sports education
News Watch Project
A San Francisco, CA project that monitors the media for fair and accurate coverage
Not in Our Town Campaign
A media campaign that uses solution-oriented documentaries to demonstrate how individuals can help stop hate motivated violence and
intolerance through personal action
Pacific Institute for Community Organization (PICO)
PICO is a national network in over 70 cities which focuses on community building and organizing
Proyecto Access, NASA-HACU
Proyecto Access prepares middle and high school Hispanic students for advanced studies and careers in mathematics, science and engineering.
Race Relations Institute of Fisk University
A Nashville, TN institute committed to sponsoring forums on race relations
Seventh-Day Adventist Diversity Initiative
An initiative that plans activities to enhance the organization's diversity
Shared Mission Focus on Young People
An initiative of the United Methodist Church that helps the denomination to respond more effectively to the needs of young people and to bring about peace and reconciliation
Study Circles Resource Center
The Study Circles Resource Center promotes the use of small-group, democratic, highly participatory discussions known as study circles on critical social and political issues
Teaching Tolerance Project
The project offers free, high-quality educational materials to help teachers promote interracial and intercultural harmony in the
classroom and beyond
Television Race Initiative
The Television Race Initiative presents a number of entertaining, high profile and provocative programs that deal with race which will air nationally
on PBS
Tribes Learning Community
A program that encourages people in the school system to respect racially and ethnically diverse populations
United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc. (UNITY)
The Oklahoma City-based program was formed in 1976 to promote unity within individual families and tribes, and also among American Indian tribes and other peoples
UNITY: Journalists of Color, Inc.
An Arlington, VA program for journalists of color to advance their presence and leadership in the news industry