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Environmental Technology Task Force

The Environmental Technology Task Force was established in September 1996 by the White House Council on Environmental Quality. The Task Force is involved in the following activities:
- Providing outreach and information on the National Environmental Technology Strategy (released in April, 1995) and the Education for Sustainability Strategy (released in December, 1996).

- Serving as a "one-stop-shop" to inform businesses, communities, universities and NGO's about federal environmental technology programs and opportunities for public-private partnerships to advance the development and deployment of environmentally-sound t echnologies in our businesses and communities.

- Supporting specific projects undertaken by the Administration to advance the National Environmental Technology Strategy, including work on education, industrial ecology, and the development of a better understanding of the use of energy and materials in our society.

The Task Force is comprised of three different groups which share an office, and work closely with the President's Council on Sustainable Development. To learn more about our activities, please visit these web sites.

[ ] Interagency Environmental Technology Office (IETO)

The one-stop-shop for information on Federal government environmental technology programs.

[ ] Interagency Workgroup on Industrial Ecology, Materials and Energy Flows

Information on Federal data and activities related to industrial ecology, energy and material flows.

[ ] Education for Sustainability Working Group

The focal point for activities designed to weave concepts of sustainability into education programs, including the Sustainability Development Extension Network.

[ ] President's Council on Sustainable Development

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