The President'sCommission to Study Capital Budgeting

Eighth Floor, Conference Room 850, The Federal Courthouse
500 Pearl Street, New York, NY

Friday, May 8

9:30        Introduction

9:40        Frank Lewis, Partner, Price Waterhouse LLP.

10:20      Martin Ives, formerly a member of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board
               (GASB), which establishes accounting standards for State and local governments, and the
               Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB), which recommends accounting
               standards for the Federal Government.

11:00      Dave Mosso, Chairman, FASAB; formerly member (1978-87) and Vice-Chairman
               (1986-87) of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), which sets accounting
               standards for the private sector; and Fiscal Assistant Secretary, Department of the
               Treasury (1975-77).

11:40      Richard Swanson, Executive Director, Institute of Management Accountants.

12:20      Lunch

1:30        Jim Abel, Chairman, Financial Executives Institute, and Executive Vice President and
              Chief Financial Officer, The Lamson and Sessions Company, Cleveland.

2:10        Ronald Tillett, Secretary of Finance, State of Virginia.

2:50        George Troup, Deputy Chief of Mission, New Zealand

3:30        Break

3:45        Discussion

5:00        Adjourn

Saturday, May 9

8:30        Approval of the draft minutes for the April 24/25 sessions and further discussions of the
               work of the Commission.

10:45      Adjourn

1/ Revised to reflect the shorter than planned session on Friday.

President's Commission to Study Capital Budgeting