Federal Credit Support Page
This page is provided for Federal agencies with responsibility for direct
loan programs or loan guarantee programs.
To be notified of updates, fax your name, email address, and phone number
to (202) 395-7230, attn: "credit updates."
Please fax your comments or suggestions to (202) 395-7230, attn: "credit
web page."
These pages are updated periodically. Click here
for a chronology of major changes.
Credit Subsidy Calculator
The Credit Subsidy Calculator is a tool to calculate the cost of direct loan and loan guarantee programs.
From this page, you may download the software, read or print the working papers and reports by independent firms,
or review a list of known defects and work-arounds.
Utilities for the FY 2001 Budget
The utilities include downloadable materials for making reestimates, calculating financing account interest,
and providing submissions for the credit supplement.
Links to other web pages
The links will take you to web pages with materials such as the Federal Credit Reform Act, OMB Circulars, and Budget
publications, including the Federal Credit Supplement.