One America Community Efforts
Little Bar

Program: National Conference
Contact(s): (212) 206-0006
Purpose: To promote understanding and respect among all races, religions, and cultures through advocacy, conflict resolution, and education

The National Conference, founded in 1927 as The National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ), is a human relations organization dedicated to fighting bias, bigotry, and racism in America. NCCJ promotes understanding and respect among all races, religions, and cultures through advocacy, conflict resolution, and education. Through its 66 offices in 35 states and the District of Columbia, NCCJ builds understanding in communities, with youth and emerging leaders, in the workplace, and with people from different faith traditions. Programs for youth include understanding identity, prejudice reduction workshops, and residential programs, as well as programs that build multicultural, multiethnic, and interfaith understanding. For more information, contact: The National Conference, 71 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10003; (212) 206-0006, fax: (212) 255-6177;

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