join us in Washington, DC on Friday, December 31, 1999 from
10:00 PM to 1:00 AM.
stirring show
by Quincy Jones and George
Stevens, Jr. will build toward an unforgettable Midnight
Moment to mark the time we pass into the new century and new
millennium. This will be the nation's commemoration of the transition
to the new millennium. The audience, expected to number in the
hundreds of thousands, will gather on the National Mall in an
historic setting between the great symbols of our Democracy
- the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, the U.S. Capitol,
and the White House itself. They will be joined by the President
and his honored guests for the transition hour to the year 2000.
Great stars of the entertainment world will perform with a 100-piece
orchestra, along with the combined bands, choirs, and marching
units of the U.S. Armed Forces. The entertainment will center
on the great American music of the century, choreographed to
celebrate the ennobling achievements of our country, summing
up in song and memory that which has made the United States
a great nation. |