First Millennium Evening Hosted at White House
This Evening at 7 p.m.

Tonight, President and the First Lady host the first Millennium Evening at the White House featuring American historian, Bernard Bailyn, Professor Emeritus at Harvard University. Professor Bailyn will discuss the core "American ideas" that shaped the nation, and that must be preserved in the next millennium. The title of the lecture is "The Living Past -- Commitments for the Future."

Professor Bernard Bailyn won the Pulitzer and Bancroft prizes for his book Ideological Origins of the American Revolution. He has written and lectured comprehensively in American history, covering social, economic, political and intellectual development.

Tonight's event will feature the first cybercast from the East Room, allowing live video, audio, and interactive capability. The President and the First Lady encourage Americans to participate in the Bernard Bailyn lecture and discussion via computer; the evening will also be broadcast via satellite.

"Millennium Evenings" are part of the White House programs to mark the milestone of the new millennium. The Evenings will be a series of lectures and performances by great thinkers, creators, and visionaries that reflect the theme of the White House Millennium programs: "Honor the past, imagine the future."

The National Endowment for the Humanities is the co-sponsor of the Millennium Evening lectures and is receiving support from the Howard Gilman Foundation and Sun Microsystems, Inc. As a technology sponsor, Sun Microsystems will provide the video and audio streaming technology to NEH to cybercast the Millennium Evening lectures across the world via the Internet. Viewers of the cybercast will be able to submit questions for consideration via an e-mail link on the cybercast page.

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