The President’s State of the Union Agenda

The President will note that our nation is strong – and that now it is time to build on that strength. He will outline an agenda to expand our prosperity to every corner of America and make progress on other priority issues that Congress failed to address last year. Among the issues the President will likely address are the following:

New Proposals: The President will outline a series of new policy proposals in his State of the Union address that maintain our fiscal responsibility and invest in the American people. Among those, the President has already begun to outline his “New Opportunity Agenda” -- including specific policies to deal with issues ranging from education, health care and childcare to closing the digital divide, expanding the EITC and implementing the President’s New Markets Initiative.

Unfinished Business: The President will continue to push for action on issues that the Congressional Majority failed to act on last year, including: repairing our schools; providing tax cuts that maintain fiscal discipline; modernizing Medicare, including a prescription drug benefit; strengthening Social Security; enacting a real Patients’ Bill of Rights; passing common sense gun safety legislation; raising the minimum wage; and passing legislation to fight hate crimes.


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