Fiscal Discipline and Economic Prosperity
- Maintaining Fiscal Discipline
- Paying Down the Debt by 2013
- Protecting and Strengthening Social Security
- Nearing the Longest Economic Expansion
Opportunity and Responsibility in Education
- Proposing Largest Head Start Expansion in History
- Promoting Early Learning
- Fixing Failing Schools and Rewarding Success
- Class Size Reduction
- Small, Safe and Successful High Schools
- Teaching to High Standards
- Charter Schools
- School Construction and Modernization
- Preventing Youth Violence
- College Opportunity Tax Cut
- $1 Billion to Pell Grants, SEOG, etc.
- $400 Million to Keep Youth on Track for Success
Rewarding Work and Strengthening Families
- Expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)
- Minimum Wage Increase
- Ensuring Equal Pay
- Housing Vouchers for Hard-Pressed Working Families
- Homeless Initiative
- Millions Move from Welfare to Work
- New Initiatives to Collect More Child Support
- New Fathers Work/Families Win Grants
- Helping Long-Term Recipients Move from Welfare to Work
- Second Chance Homes
- Helping Low-Income Families Afford Child Care
- Assisting 8 Million Families with Child Care Expenses
- Creating New Child Care Tax Incentives for Businesses
- Supporting High Quality Early Childhood Educators
- Promoting Early Learning
- Campus Based Child Care
- Retirement Security Accounts
- Expand Pension Coverage for Small Businesses
- Tax Relief for Working Families
Health Care
- Patients' Bill of Rights
- Health Insurance Coverage Initiative
- Strengthening and Modernizing Medicare
- Long-Term Care Initiative
- Increasing Federal Mental Health Funding
- Preventing Medical Errors/Improving Care
- Major New Investment to Combat HIV and AIDS
Responsibility and Crime
- 21st Century Policing Initiative
- National Gun Enforcement Initiative
- Funding Innovative Smart Gun Technology
- Passing Common Sense Gun Legislation
Opening New Markets
- New Markets Initiative
- Delta Initiative
- Native American Initiative
- Strengthening the Farm Safety Net
- From Digital Divide to Digital Opportunity
Global Change and American Leadership
- Benefits of Expanding International Trade
- Forging a New Consensus on Trade
- Trade Agreements Enforcement Initiative
- Child Labor
- African Growth and Opportunity Act
- Caribbean Basin Trade Initiative
- Building Democracy Around the World
- Leading a Global Campaign Against AIDS and Disease
- U.S.-China Trade Agreement
- Building Peace in the Middle East
- Bringing Peace to Northern Ireland
- Reversing Ethnic Cleansing in Kosovo
- Protecting Computer Networks Against Cyber Attack
- Combating International Crime
- Aiding Colombia in its Fight Against Drugs
- Debt Relief
- Leading the Way in Global Non-Proliferation
- Maintaining the Strongest Military in the World
Responsibility, Opportunity and the Environment
- Lands Legacy
- Climate Change
- Tax Credits for Energy-Efficiency
- Clean Energy for the 21st Century
- Livable Communities
The Opportunity and Responsibility of Science and Technology
- Major New Investments in Science and Technology
- Protecting Americans' Personal Privacy
Service and Philanthropy
- AmeriCorps and Encouraging Community Service
- Faith-Based and Community Organizations
- Increasing Charitable Giving
One America
- Civil Rights Enforcement
- The Employment Non-Discrimination Act ("ENDA")
- The Hate Crimes Prevention Act
- English Literacy/Civics Initiative
- Fairness to Immigrants
Governmental and Political Reform
- Enact Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform
- Reinventing Government