Copyright Information

The information and images in this feature were adapted for on-line use from the book Art in the White House-A Nation's Pride, which is published by the The White House Historical Association with the cooperation of the National Geographic Society Washington D.C. The White House Historical Association is a nonprofit organization chartered on November 3, 1961, to enhance the understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the Executive Mansion. Income from sale of this book as well as all other published by the Association will be used to publish other materials about the White House, as well as for the acquisition of historic furnishings and other objects for the Executive Mansion

This book has not been reproduced in its entirety here. The images and text included here in this on-line presentation is strictly the property of the White House Historical Association and may not be reproduced or utilized in whole or in part without written permission.

Art in the White House--A Nation's Pride By the White House Historical Association in with the cooperation of the National Geographic Society Washington D.C. Copyright 1992, THE WHITE HOUSE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, Washington, D.C.

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