Thursday, November 5, 1998


We should move forward to pass a patients' bill of rights. We should strengthen our schools by finishing the job of hiring 100,000 teachers and then passing the school modernization initiative, to give us 5,000 remodeled or new schools. We should increase the minimum wage. We should pass campaign finance reform. We must maintain our fiscal discipline to strengthen our own economy and maintain our efforts to stabilize the global economy.

-- President Bill Clinton

Today, President Clinton meets with the Democratic Leadership from Congress to discuss the agenda for the incoming Congress and the work that still needs to be done on important domestic issues, including saving Social Security, education, and health care.

President Clinton Stands With Working Families. During the budget negotiations, President Clinton fought for and won key agreements from Congress to help ensure our country continues to prosper as we move into the 21st Century. The President won key agreements, including:

The Next Congress Should Put Progress Ahead Of Partisanship. President Clinton has a strong agenda to help move our country into the 21st Century. The last Congress failed to act on a number of issues that the President is firmly committed to. We will only be able to achieve progress on these important matters if we reach across party and generational lines to forge a true national consensus. The President is calling on the next Congress to work with him and:

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