Tuesday, August 25, 1998
Today, I signed an Executive Order establishing the President's Council on Food Safety. To strengthen and focus our efforts to coordinate food safety policy and resources and improve food safety for American consumers, the Council will develop a comprehensive strategic plan for Federal food safety activities, ensure the most effective use of Federal resources through the development and submission of coordinated food safety budgets, and oversee the Joint Institute for Food Safety Research.
President Bill Clinton
August 25, 1998Today, President Clinton signs an Executive Order creating a President's Council on Food Safety. The Council will develop a comprehensive strategic plan for federal food safety activities and ensure that federal agencies annually develop coordinated food safety budgets. The President will also sign a directive instructing the Council to review the recently issued National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report, "Ensuring Safe Food from Production to Consumption," and to report back with its response to the report, including appropriate additional actions to improve food safety.
The President's Council on Food Safety. The President will sign an Executive Order establishing a President's Council on Food Safety. The Council will have three primary functions, including:
- Developing A Comprehensive Strategic Federal Food Safety Plan. The Council will develop a comprehensive plan to improve the safety of the nation's food supply by establishing a seamless, science-based food safety system. The plan will address the steps necessary to achieve this improved system, focusing on key public health, resource, and management issues and including measurable outcome goals. The planning process will consider both short and long-term issues including new and emerging threats and the special needs of vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly. In developing this plan, the Council will consult with all interested parties, including state and local agencies, tribes, consumers, producers, industry, and academia.
- Coordinating Federal Food Safety Budgets. Consistent with the comprehensive strategic federal food safety plan, the Council will advise agencies of priority areas for investment in food safety and ensure that federal agencies annually develop coordinated food safety budgets. This coordinated food safety budget process will sustain and strengthen existing activities, eliminate duplication, and ensure the most effective use of resources for improving food safety.
- Overseeing Federal Food Safety Research Efforts. The Council will ensure that the Joint Institute for Food Safety Research addresses the highest priority food safety research gaps. The Institute will report, on a regular basis, to the Council on its efforts to conduct and coordinate food safety research activities and will receive direction from the Council on research needed to establish the most effective possible food safety system.
Proposing Reforms To The Food Safety System. The President will direct the Council, as one of its first orders of business, to review the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report, "Ensuring Safe Food from Production to Consumption." After providing opportunity for public comment, including public meetings, the Council will report back to the President within 180 days with its response to the NAS report. The Council's report will consider appropriate additional actions to improve food safety, including proposals for legislative reform of the food safety system.