Monday, February 8, 1999
Our Administration's 1999 National Drug Control Strategy is a comprehensive, long-term strategy, with more money for drug testing and treatment ... better drug-law enforcement in our communities and better drug control on our borders ... and better anti-drug education for young people.
Vice President Al Gore
February 8, 1999Today at the White House, Vice President Al Gore will release the 1999 National Drug Control Strategy, a comprehensive plan to reduce drug use and availability to historic new lows. The Clinton-Gore Administration's drug control strategy is backed by a $17.8 billion anti-drug budget proposal -- the largest ever -- to reduce drug usage among adults and youth alike and stem the flow of drugs into our country.
A Historic Commitment To Fighting Drugs And Protecting Our Children. The Clinton-Gore Administration has helped increase federal counter-drug efforts by 40 percent since 1993. This sustained effort is having an impact on drug use and drug related crime in America. Overall drug use is down since its peak in the 1970's, drug-related murders have fallen 40 percent since 1992, and youth drug use is on the decline for the second straight year. The 1999 National Drug Control Strategy builds on this record of success and keeps the focus on educating children about the dangers of drugs:
- $195 million for The National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign. The President's budget continues the unprecedented, 5-year National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign, which uses the full power of the mass media to educate millions of young people, parents, teachers and mentors about the dangers of drugs. In just six months, this campaign has received more than $165 million in private sector matching contributions to get the message to kids that drugs are wrong and can kill;
- $590 million for Safe and Drug-Free Schools. The President's proposal to reform this program will require schools to adopt rigorous, comprehensive school safety plans that include tough, but fair discipline policies, safe passage to and from schools, effective drug and violence policies and programs, annual school safety and drug use report cards, and links to after-school programs.
Strengthening Law Enforcement To Continue the Fight Against Drugs. To help keep crime rates low, the President's budget includes:
- $1.275 Billion for a 21st Century Policing Initiative that will help communities hire, redeploy, and retain up to 50,0000 law enforcement officers to target crime and drug "hot spots". This initiative will also help equip officers with the latest crime-fighting technologies, and engage entire communities to work together to prevent and fight crime;
- $22 Million Increase for the Drug Enforcement Agency, including $13 million to assist the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) with its efforts to automate and improve access to critical law enforcement and intelligence information, and $9 million to support investigations to dismantle drug trafficking organizations;
- $50 Million Increase for the Southwest Border Patrol to help the INS deploy "force multiplying" technology, such as infrared and color cameras and ground sensors to aid Border Patrol enforcement and drug interdiction efforts;
- $29 Million Increase for International Programs, including: the State Department's International Narcotics Law Enforcement Affairs' efforts in the Andean countries and Mexico, and to provide assistance to enhance multinational cooperation in our anti-drug efforts.
Zero Tolerance For Prisoner Drug Use. The President's budget provides new resources for states and localities to break crime-committing addicts of their addictions and reduce the number of criminals who commit crimes after they are released. The President is proposing the most comprehensive drug supervision program ever to help keep offenders drug-and crime-free: (1) $100 million in new funds to help states and localities to drug test, treat, and sanction prisoners, parolees and probationers; (2) $50 million to expand innovative drug courts, and (3) $65 million for residential drug treatment for prisoners with serious drug problems.
Closing The Treatment Gap. Treatment can help end dependance on addictive drugs -- and their destructive consequences. The President's budget provides $85 million to increase drug treatment, including: an additional $55 million in Targeted Capacity Grants to expand the availability of drug treatment to meet existing or emerging needs, and $30 million more for the Substance Abuse Block Grant --the backbone of federal efforts to help states and localities reduce the gap between those seeking treatment and the capacity of the public treatment system.