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Please note: Presidential addresses and the White House press releases may be found in Publications

May 27, 1997

President Clinton's Trip to France, Netherlands, and the United Kingdom

May 22, 1997

Education Town Meeting
Clarksburg, WV

May 19, 1997

Most Favored Nation Status for China

May 16, 1997

Apology for Study Done in Tuskegee

Balanced Budget Agreement

May 15, 1997

Remarks at the Peace Officers Memorial

May 14, 1997

U.S./Russia Agreement on Nato Expansion

May 6, 1997

President Clinton's Trip to Mexico, Costa Rica, and Barbados

May 2, 1997

Bipartisan Budget Agreement

May 2, 1997

[Portrait FDR]
FDR Memorial Dedication

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