| Economic Empowerment | Education
| Housing
Livability | Welfare Reform
| Workforce Initiatives
21st Century Policing Initiative
In order to keep crime coming down to record low levels and the number
of officers walking the beat at an all-time high, the President is committing
nearly $1.3 billion for a new 21st Century Policing Initiative. The
new 21st Century Policing Initiative builds on the Presidents
successful COPS program by: (1) helping communities to hire and redeploy
between 30,000 and 50,000 more law enforcement officers over five years,
with an effort to target new police officers to crime hot spots
and to help retain those officers recently hired; (2) giving law enforcement
access to the latest crime-fighting technologies, such as improved police
communications, crime mapping software, laptop computers, and crime
lab improvements; and (3) making an unprecedented commitment to engage
entire communities in the hard work of preventing and fighting crime
--by funding new community-based prosecutors, and partnerships with
probation and parole officers, school officials, and faith-based organizations.
Zero Tolerance Drug Supervision
Numerous studies confirm that the vast majority of prisoners report
drug use and that many prisoners commit their crimes to buy drugs or
while high. To help break this iron link between crime and drugs, the
President will propose $215 million for Zero Tolerance Drug Supervision
that works to keep offenders drug-and crime-free. This initiative will
provide new funds to help states and localities implement tough new
systems to drug test, treat, and punish prisoners, parolees, and probationers.
In addition, this initiative provides increased funds for innovative
drug courts throughout the country and intensive drug treatment for
state prisoners with the most serious drug problems.
Making the Brady Waiting Period Permanent
The Brady Law, which requires background checks of all prospective
firearms purchasers, has stopped well over a quarter of a million illegal
handgun sales since its enactment in 1993 --proving itself to be one
of the most effective law enforcement tools ever. But the Brady Laws
cooling off or waiting period recently expired, and handguns
can now be purchased on the spot in some states. To make sure that local
law enforcement officers have enough time to conduct the best background
check possible, the President will call for a new national waiting period
of up to five days before the purchase of a handgun.
Preventing Violent Juveniles from Buying Guns
Violent juveniles should be treated as adults for their adult crimes,
and stopped from getting weapons to hurt again. The President will propose
legislation to ban violent juveniles from buying guns for life. The
Presidents proposal would extend the Brady Law to violent juveniles,
closing the loophole under current law which permits youths convicted
in juvenile court for certain violent and drug offenses to buy handguns
on their 21st birthday.
Child Safety Locks for Handguns
Child safety locking devices can reduce the unauthorized use of handguns,
by a child at play or a teen looking to commit a crime. And many youths
have to look no further than their own home to get access to a gun:
a third of all privately-owned handguns are left both loaded and unlocked.
To address this problem, the Presidents proposal would require
federally-licensed firearms dealers to sell a child safety lock with
every handgun --to help prevent youths from hurting themselves or each
Helping Make All Schools Safe, Disciplined, and Drug-Free
President Clinton is proposing a significant overhaul of the nearly
$600 million Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Program to provide
more effective prevention programs for the reduction of drugs and violence
in schools, more accountability for results, and better targeting to
those schools that need the most assistance.. Under the Presidents
proposal, schools would be required to adopt rigorous, comprehensive
school safety plans that include: tough, but fair, discipline policies;
safe passage to and from schools; effective drug and violence policies
and programs; annual school safety and drug use report cards; links
to after school programs; efforts to involve parents; and crisis management
Economic Empowerment
New Markets Investments Initiative
One of the great still unmet challenges for the start of the 21st century
is building economically vibrant communities in those places that our
prosperity has not yet reached --inner cities and distressed rural areas.
These new markets here at home have great potential. We must build a
bridge between Wall Street and our great untapped markets. The Presidents
new markets initiative will spur $15 billion in new capital investment
in businesses in these underserved areas through a package of tax credits
and guarantees.
- New Markets Tax Credit: A billion dollars of tax
credits over five years worth up to 25% of the amount of equity invested
in a variety of vehicles for providing equity and credit to businesses
in underserved areas.
- America's Private Investment Companies (APICs): Modeled
after the Overseas Private Investment Corporation's (OPIC) successful
investment fund program, this program would create, each year, five
new private investment partnerships of up to $300 million. For each
new APIC, HUD and the SBA would provide up to $200 million in loan
guarantees to match $100 million in private investment, creating a
fund of $300 million for investment in mid-sized firms expanding or
relocating into underserved areas.
- New Market Venture Capital Firms (NMVCs): SBA will
match equity investment and technical assistance funds to finance
10-20 new investment partnerships selected to provide both patient
growth capital and expert guidance to entrepreneurs who need both
in order to transform their small businesses and great ideas into
thriving companies.
- SBICs targeted to new markets: Over 40 years, the
SBIC program has helped more than 85,000 small companies grow, some
from start-ups to household names like AOL; but the program has not
done enough to help spur growth in underserved areas. SBA will provide
more flexibility and new financing terms, along with aggressive outreach,
to promote investment in low-and moderate-income areas by SBICs.
- New Market Lending Companies (NMLCs): SBA will approve
approximately 10 new non-bank lenders who have a strategy to target
their lending to underserved areas.
- Other: Other elements include seed money to expand
BusinessLINC partnerships to encourage large businesses to work with
small businesses in new markets and reforms to the Specialized Small
Business Investment Company (SSBIC) tax credit to make it easier to
Empowerment Zones
Earlier this month, Vice President Gore named 20 economically distressed
communities as new Empowerment Zones (EZs). Tonight, the President is
reaffirming his Administrations commitment to securing full funding
of flexible grant funding for the new EZs. If Congress approves full
funding for the EZs, federal investment is expected to help create
and retain about 90,000 jobs and stimulate $20.3 billion in private
and public investment in the next 10 years.
Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI)
In 1994, the President proposed and Congress established the CDFI Fund.
This Fund further expands the availability of credit, investment capital,
financial services, and other development services in distressed communities.
The President is proposing to expand funding for the CDFI program to
$125 million --a $30 million increase from FY 1999.
Working to Ensure a Fair and Accurate Census
As the President said in his 1999 State of the Union Address, "since
every person in America counts, every American ought to be counted.
We need a census that uses modern scientific methods to do that."
The Clinton-Gore Administration is working to ensure that Census 2000
is the most accurate census possible. Recently, the Supreme Court ruled
against the use of "sampling for apportioning congressional
seats among States, but affirmed the Administrations use of scientific
methods for other purposes. The Census Bureau has already begun the
work necessary to make sure that Census 2000 is accurate and accommodates
the Courts ruling.
The Clinton-Gore Administration understands what is at stake. The President
is mindful that, according to the Census Bureau, the last decennial
census, conducted in 1990, missed 8.4 million people and double- counted
4.4 million others. The Administration knows that the American people
rely on census data every day and that over $180 billion in federal
funding is distributed annually based on census figures. The President
and Vice President also understand that census information is relied
upon by communities to help determine where to locate schools, build
roads and bridges, and establish child care facilities and job training
centers. The Clinton-Gore Administration believes that a fair and accurate
census is a fundamental part of a representative democracy and is the
basis for providing equality under the law. That is why the President
is determined to have a fair and full count in 2000.
Helping Americas Communities Redevelop Abandoned Buildings
This new Federal initiative would attack one of the primary causes
of blight in urban neighborhoods: abandoned apartment buildings, single
family homes, warehouses, office buildings, and commercial centers.
Under the proposal, HUD will provide $50 million in competitive grant
funds in FY2000 to local governments to support the demolition or deconstruction
of blighted, abandoned buildings, as long as there is a plan -- with
significant private-sector participation -- to redevelop the property
for commercial use or multi-family and single family housing. To
ensure no incentive is created to abandon buildings, the program would
be sunsetted after three years and no building abandoned after October
1, 1999 would be eligible for redevelopment. Preferences will be given
to communities that link existing youth training programs with the propertys
Accountability for Results
In his State of the Union Address, President Clinton will announced
a package of accountability measures designed to hold students, teachers,
and schools to high standards, and to ensure that school districts and
states provide students with a high quality education. These proposals
will help to lift student achievement in every public school and close
the achievement gap by giving special attention to disadvantaged students
in low-performing schools.
The Presidents plan marks a sea change in national education
policy --for the first time holding states and school districts accountable
for progress and rewarding them for results. While insisting that states
and local governments retain primary responsibility for education, President
Clinton will call on Congress to make sure federal dollars support what
works and not what doesnt. His proposal emphasizes reforms that
a growing number of states, cities, and schools across the nation are
implementing and that are producing clear results.
Specifically, the President will announce that he will send Congress
legislation to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act
(ESEA) to ensure that schools end social promotion; teachers are qualified
to teach the subjects they are assigned; states turn around their lowest-performing
schools; parents get annual report cards on school performance; and
schools institute effective discipline policies.
Accountability for Results: End Social Promotion
The Presidents ESEA proposal will require states and school districts
to end social promotion --the practice of promoting students from grade
to grade regardless of whether they have mastered the appropriate material
and are academically prepared to do the work at the next level. Students
who are promoted without regard to their achievement fall even further
behind their classmates, and are more likely to lack basic skills upon
graduating from high school.
To ensure that this requirement helps more students succeed, rather
than simply increasing the number held back, states and school districts
would have to show how they will help students meet promotion standards
on time by (1) strengthening learning opportunities in the classroom
with clear standards, small classes with well-prepared teachers, high
quality professional development, and use of proven instructional practices;
(2) identifying students who need help at the earliest possible moment;
(3) providing extended learning time, including after-school and summer
school for students who need extra help; and (4) developing an effective
remedial plan, with intensive intervention, for students who still do
not meet the standards, so they can get back on track in their schooling.
In 1996 President Clinton challenged every state and school district
to adopt policies to end social promotion and require students to pass
high school graduation exams. Twenty six states now have high school
exit exams, and last year four states adopted policies to stop promoting
unprepared students from grade to grade. A growing number of urban school
districts, including Boston, Philadelphia, New York City, and Washington
D.C. are adopting similar policies. In Chicago, which three years ago
ended the practice of social promotion in a way that gives students
who need it substantial extended learning time, citywide math and reading
scores have gone up every year, with the largest gains among the most
disadvantaged students. President Clintons FY 2000 budget proposes
to triple federal funding for after-school and summer school programs
(from $200 million to $600 million) to help schools ending social promotion
give students the extra help they need to succeed.
Accountability for Results: Turn Around Low Performing Schools
The Presidents ESEA proposal will require states to identify
the schools with the lowest achievement levels and least improvement
and take corrective action to turn them around. These corrective actions,
based on a careful assessment of each schools needs, would include
steps such as intensive teacher training, support to improve school
discipline, and the implementation of proven approaches to school reform.
If these actions do not result in improved student achievement within
two years, the proposal would require states to take additional corrective
actions, such as permitting students to attend other public schools;
reconstituting the school, by fairly evaluating the staff and making
staff changes as appropriate; or closing the school and reopening it
as a charter school or with an entirely new staff. Nineteen states currently
take similar actions to help improve low-performing schools, and experience
demonstrates that when these interventions are carefully implemented
and accompanied by the resources to support change, schools improve
and student achievement increases. The Presidents FY 2000 budget
contains $200 million to help states begin taking these steps immediately.
Accountability for Results: Put Qualified Teachers in the Classroom
According to the National Commission on Teaching and Americas
Future, one of the most important factors in improving student achievement
is the knowledge and skills teachers bring to the classroom. Yet every
year, approximately 50,000 individuals teach on emergency
certificates, which means they do not meet the standards the state has
set for certification. In addition, numerous teachers teach subjects
for which they lack adequate preparation, with fully one quarter of
secondary school teachers lacking even a minor in their main teaching
field. Students in schools with the highest concentrations of poverty
--those who often need the most help from the best teachers --are most
likely to be in classrooms with teachers who are not fully qualified:
for example, in schools with the highest minority enrollment, students
have a less than 50 percent chance of having a math or science teacher
with a license and degree in the field.
The Presidents ESEA proposal will require states to adopt performance
examinations for all new teachers, requiring them to demonstrate both
subject-matter knowledge and teaching expertise. The proposal also will
require states and school districts to phase out, over five years, the
use of teachers with emergency certificates and the practice of assigning
teachers to subjects for which they lack adequate preparation. To support
these new teacher quality standards, the proposal will provide resources
to help states strengthen teacher certification standards, test new
teachers, provide training to current teachers, and give incentives
to recruit more highly qualified teachers.
Accountability for Results: Issue School Report Cards
The Presidents ESEA proposal will require states to distribute
to all parents annual report cards for each school and school district,
as well as the state as a whole. The report cards will include information
on student achievement, teacher professional qualifications, class size,
school safety, and other factors that will help parents to judge the
performance of the schools. Where appropriate, the report cards also
will show the academic achievement of ethnic and racial subgroups, to
ensure accountability for helping all students achieve. Thirty-six states
currently publish or require local school districts to publish school
report cards, and five additional states will begin the practice in
the next two years. A recent report by Public Agenda, however, shows
that only 31 percent of parents had seen these report cards. The Presidents
ESEA proposal will help ensure that all parents in all states have access
to the information they need to evaluate the quality of their schools
and identify the areas in which improvement is needed.
Accountability for Results: Adopt Discipline Policies
Schools must be a place of learning. President Clinton already has
challenged states, communities, and schools to take a number of steps
to restore order and safety, such as adopting school uniforms, enforcing
truancy laws, and imposing curfews. But in some schools, the breakdown
of classroom discipline remains one of the biggest obstacles to learning
and one of the greatest concerns for teachers, students, and parents
alike. The Presidents proposal will require states and school
districts to adopt discipline policies to make sure students have the
chance to learn and teachers have the chance to teach.
A National Effort to Reduce Class Size in the Early Grades
In his 1998 State of the Union address, President Clinton proposed
to help local school schools hire 100,000 well-prepared teachers in
order to reduce class size in grades 1-3 to a national average of 18,
and make sure that every child gets a solid foundation in the basics.
Studies show that smaller classes help teachers provide more personal
attention to students and spend less time on discipline; this helps
students to learn more and get a stronger foundation in the basic skills.
In these studies, minority and disadvantaged students showed the largest
achievement gains. Last year, Congress provided a down payment on the
Presidents seven year, $12.4 billion proposal by appropriating
$1.2 billion to help local communities hire about 30,000 teachers. Now
Congress must finish the job by providing the next installment of funds
for local schools to continue progress toward hiring 100,000 new teachers
over seven years.
Modern School Buildings to Improve Student Learning
For students to learn, schools must be well-equipped and be able to
accommodate smaller class sizes. In 1998, the American Society of Civil
Engineers said that school buildings represent the nations most
pressing infrastructure need. To address this critical need, President
Clinton is proposing federal tax credits as incentives to help states
and school districts to build and renovate public schools. Half of the
bond authority will be allocated to the 100 school districts with the
largest number of low-income children, and the other half will be allocated
to the states.
Recruiting Outstanding New Teachers for Our Nations Public
With more than 2 million teachers to be hired in the next ten years
to accommodate record student enrollments and an aging teaching force,
the nation must not only recruit an adequate number of teachers,
but ensure a quality teaching force through effective teacher
recruitment and preparation. The Presidents budget will contain
a series of new initiatives and funding increases to help recruit well
prepared individuals to teach where they are needed the most, in high
poverty urban and rural communities. In particular, the Presidents
FY 2000 budget will increase funding for his teacher recruitment effort
enacted in last years Higher Education Act -- to $35 million from
$7.5 million --to recruit 7,000 outstanding new teachers into high need
public schools by giving them scholarships in exchange for a commitment
to teach. The President will announce other initiatives to improve teacher
quality at an event later in the week.
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
Since its creation in 1986, the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC)
has given states tax credits of $1.25 per capita to allocate to developers
of affordable housing. Even though building costs have increased 40
percent in the last decade, the amount of the credit has not been adjusted
for inflation. Therefore, President Clinton and Vice President Gore
propose to increase the cap on the LIHTC from $1.25 per capita to $1.75
per capita -- restoring the value of the credit to its 1986 level. Estimates
suggest that the LIHTC currently helps build 75,000-90,000 affordable
housing units each year. The President and Vice Presidents proposal
to increase the cap by 40 percent will create an additional 150,000-180,000
new rental housing units for low- income American families over the
next five years. Last year, over two-thirds of the House and Senate
were co-sponsors on bills to raise the cap on the LIHTC -- more support
than any other tax legislation. This proposal will cost $1.7 billion
over five years.
Senior Housing Plan
To complement the long-term health care initiatives announced by the
President in his State of the Union Address, the Department of Housing
and Urban Development's plan to meet the changing housing needs of our
nation's elders will provide security and peace of mind to coming generations
of senior citizens, especially the rapidly growing number of frail elderly
over age 85. Priority budget items are $747 million for Section 202
Housing for the Elderly, including reforms to allow for conversion of
existing buildings where seniors need assisted living, and $87 million
to give elderly people housing vouchers.
The President's budget will include an increase of $150 million to
a record level of $1.1 billion for expanding the continuum of care for
the nation's homeless. The increase in homeless assistance, plus 10,000
new vouchers to create permanent housing solutions, will address the
housing needs of the most vulnerable Americans -- those making a transition
from the streets back into homes and community life.
Livability Agenda: Easing Traffic Congestion and Community Planning
and Collaboration
To help communities across America grow in ways that ensure a high
quality of life and strong, sustainable economic growth, President Clinton
and Vice President Gore are proposing a comprehensive Livability Agenda
providing new tools and resources for state and local governments. The
initiative includes: a record $6.1 billion for public transit, plus
$2.4 billion for other innovative programs to promote improved transportation
planning and ease traffic congestion so commuters can spend less time
in traffic and more with their families; $50 million in matching grants
to help neighboring communities develop collaborative smart growth
strategies; and $10 million to encourage citizen participation in the
design of schools as centers of their communities, provide communities
with new information tools so they can grow according to their values,
and improve public safety by sharing crime data among communities. By
delivering tools and resources to the local level, where issues of growth
are most appropriately addressed, this initiative helps empower citizens
to build more livable communities for the 21st century.
Livability Agenda: Better America Bonds
To help communities reconnect with their land and water, preserve green
space for future generations, and provide attractive settings for economic
development, the Administration is proposing a new financing tool generating
$9.5 billion in bond authority for investments by state, local and tribal
governments. The Presidents budget will propose tax credits totaling
almost $700 million over five years --to support Better America Bonds,
which can be used to preserve green space, create or restore urban parks,
protect water quality, and clean up brownfields (abandoned industrial
sites). The program will be coordinated through an interagency process.
Welfare Reform
Welfare Rolls Decline as More Recipients go to Work
The President announced that welfare is at its lowest level in 30 years
and the welfare rolls have fallen by nearly half since he took office.
The percent of welfare recipients working has tripled since 1992, and
all states met the first overall work participation rates required under
the welfare reform law. Two years ago the President challenged the business
community to create jobs so that people can move from welfare to work.
Today, 10,000 companies of all sizes, industries, and from all regions
have joined the Welfare to Work Partnership and are successfully hiring
and retaining hundreds of thousands of welfare recipients. The President
has announced that his budget will include $530 million to extend for
one year the Welfare to Work and Work Opportunity Tax Credits to encourage
more employers to hire welfare recipients and other disadvantaged individuals.
Welfare-to-Work Funds with a Focus on Fathers
The Presidents $1 billion Welfare-to-Work initiative will help
200,000 long-term welfare recipients in high- poverty areas move into
lasting unsubsidized employment. It is an extension of the two-year
$3 billion Welfare-to-Work program the President secured in the Balanced
Budget Act. The initiative, as reauthorized, will provide at least $150
million to ensure that every state helps fathers fulfill their responsibilities
by working, paying child support, and playing a responsible part in
their childrens lives. Under this proposal, states and communities
will use a minimum of 20 percent of their formula funds to provide job
placement and job retention assistance to low-income fathers who sign
personal responsibility contracts committing them to work and pay child
support. This effort will further increase child support collections,
which have risen 80 percent since the President took office, from $8
billion in 1992 to $14.4 billion in 1998. Remaining funds will go toward
assisting long-term welfare recipients with the greatest barriers to
employment to move into lasting jobs. The reauthorized program also
will double the welfare-to-work funding available for tribes.
Transportation and Housing for Families Moving From Welfare to
The President has announced that his budget will contain $580 million
for welfare-to-work housing vouchers and transportation assistance to
help those on welfare get to work and stay employed. The Presidents
budget will provide $430 million for 75,000 welfare-to-work housing
vouchers, including $144 million in new funds for 25,000 additional
vouchers. This is a 50 percent increase over the 50,000 vouchers the
President secured last year. The vouchers will help families move closer
to a new job, reduce a long commute, or secure more stable housing so
they can perform better on the job. The Presidents budget will
also increase Access to Jobs transportation funding from $75 million
to $150 million, doubling the number of individuals and communities
that can receive transportation assistance. This competitive grant program
supports innovative state and local transportation solutions such as
shuttles, van pools, new bus routes, and connector services to mass
transit to help welfare recipients and other low income workers get
to work.
Workforce Initiatives
Adult Education And Family Literacy Initiative
Today, 44 million adults struggle with a job application, cannot read
to their children, or cannot fully participate in our economic and civic
life because they lack basic skills or English proficiency. The Presidents
$190 million adult education and family literacy initiative would provide
$95 million -- or 25 percent -- more for adult education grants and
challenges state and local governments to join with us to raise program
quality; $70 million for a new English literacy/civics initiative; $20
million to help develop new technology for adult learners; create a
new 10% tax credit to employers who establish certain workplace literacy
programs; and put in place a new initiative to mobilize state and local
communities to implement strategies to promote adult education and lifelong
Universal Re-employment Initiative. The Presidents FY2000
budget makes a five-year commitment to our Nations reformed job
training system. Specifically, President Clinton proposes to put us
on a path that ensures that within five years: (1) all displaced workers
will receive the job training they want and need -- after nearly tripling
funding for dislocated workers since 1993, this initiative makes the
first-year commitment of an additional $190 million; (2) All people
who lose their jobs due to no fault of their own will get the re- employment
services -- e.g., job search assistance -- they need; and (3) All Americans
will have access to One-Stop Career Centers, including a nationwide
toll-free telephone system so that all workers will be able to
find out what services are available and where they can go to receive
them; job search information at 4,000 Community-Based Organizations;
100 mobile One-Stop Career Centers; and increased access for the disabled
and the blind.
Youth Employment Initiative. The unemployment rate among disadvantaged
youth -- especially African American teens -- is significantly higher
than the national average. In addition to an increase in JobCorps and
the $250 million for the new Youth Opportunity Areas, this initiative
includes a 75-percent increase in YouthBuild, from $42.5 million to
$75 million; create a new $100 million Right-Track Partnership
initiative to help lower drop-out rates; doubles the funding for GEAR
UP -- which helps mentor children and prepare them for college -- from
$120 million to $240 million; create a new $50 million initiative to
help link Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities (EZ/ECs) to their
broader metropolitan regional economies in order to increase the employment
of disadvantaged youth; and provides $65 million more to prepare disadvantaged
youth for success in college, including $30 million increase in outreach,
counseling, and educational support through TRIO program, and new $35
million initiative to help disadvantaged students stay in college.
Minimum Wage Increase
The President called on Congress to pass an increase in the minimum
wage. Despite the strongest economy in a generation, there are still
millions of workers trying to raise a family and struggling to make
ends meet. The President believes that parents who works hard and play
by the rules should not have to raise their children in poverty. That
is why, in 1993, he expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and,
in 1996, fought for and won a minimum wage increase. The Presidents
proposal would increase the minimum wage from $5.15 to $6.15 over two
years -- through a 50-cent increase on September 1, 1999 and a 50-cent
increase on September 1, 2000 -- helping to restore the real value of
the minimum wage to what it was when President Reagan took office in
1981. This increase will help ensure that -- as costs continue to increase
-- parents who work hard and play by the rules can bring up their children
out of poverty. For someone who works full-time, this minimum wage increase
will mean an additional $2,000 per year. According to data from the
Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 12 million hourly paid workers would
benefit directly from this pay raise.
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