Mr. Henry J. Aaron; Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution
Mr. Marcus Alexis; Academic Economist, Northwestern University
Hon. Roger C. Altman; Founding Partner, Evercore Partners Inc.
Ms. Marge Anderson; Chief Executive, Mille Lacs Tribe
Mr. Robert Atkinson; Director of Technology, Innovation and the New Economy Project, Progressive Policy Institute
Hon. Martin Baily; Chairman, Council of Economic Advisors
Mr. Robert Barbera; Chief Economist, Hoenig & Company
Ms. Laurie Bassi; Saba Press Photos
Mr. George F. Becker; President, United Steelworkers of America
Ms. Betty Stanley Beene; President and CEO, United Way of America
Mr. David W. Beier; Chief Domestic Policy Advisor to the Vice President, The White House
Dr. Carl Frederick Bergsten; Director, Institute for International Economics
Mr. Michael T. Bessire; President, Eastern Division, Safeway
Dr. Charles L. Betsey; Professor, Department of Economics, Howard University
Dr. Nancy Birdsall; Senior Associate and Director, The Economic Reform Project, Global Policy Program
Dr. Alan S. Blinder; Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Princeton University
Hon. Stephen J. Braun
Mr. Charles Brewer; Earthlink
Ms. Judith A. Brewer; Director, Web Accessibility Initiative/ World Wide Web Consortium
Dr. Andrew Brimmer; Brimmer & Co.
Mr. Max Brown; Special Assistant, General Services Administration
Hon. John Bryant; Chairman and CEO, Operation Hope, Inc.
Mr. William J. Bynum; President and CEO, Enterprise Corporation of the Delta
Ms. Christina Caballero; President and CEO, Dialogue on Diversity, Inc.
Mr. Philip E. Cassidy; Executive Director, The Business Council
Mr. Robert Chase; President, National Education Association
Ms. Marai Chattergee; President, Self-Employed Women's Association (SEWA) of India
Hon. Henry Cisneros; President and CEO, Univision Communications Incorporated
Ms. Abby Joseph Cohen; Chair, Investment Policy Committee
Mr. Allan L. Cohen; Senior Advisor to the Secretary for Budget, Department of the Treasury
Mr. Richard Cohen; President, National Committee on Responsive Philanthropy
Dr. Susan M. Collins; Senior Fellow of Economic Studies, The Brookings Institution
Mr. Dennis D. Dammerman; Vice Chairman, General Electric Company
Dr. William Darity; Voshamer Professor of Economics and Sociology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and Research Professor of Public Policy, Duke University
Dr. Kathryn M.E. Dominguez; Associate Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan
Dr. William C. Dudley; Managing Director and Director of U.S. Economic Research, Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Ms. Esther Dyson; Chairman, Edventure Holdings, Inc.
Hon. Maria Echaveste; Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff, The White House
Prof. Nada Eissa; Academic Economist, University of California, Berkeley
Mr. E. David Ellington; Co-Founder, President and CEO, NetNoir, Inc.
Mr. Melvin Farr, Sr.; President, Mel Farr Automotive Group
Mr. George Fatheree; Founder and Vice President of Community Development,
Ms. Lynn Forester; Firstmark Communications, Int.
Mr. Jeffrey A. Frankel; Harvard University
Dr. James K. Galbraith; Professor, LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas, Austin
Ms. Patricia Garrison-Corbin; President and CEO, P.G. Corbin & Co., Inc.
Mr. William H. Gates; Chairman & CEO, Microsoft Corporation
Prof. Robert J. Gordon; Stanley G. Harris Professor of Economics, Northwestern University
Hon. Jamie S. Gorelick; Vice Chair, Fannie Mae
Mr. Robert Greenstein; Founder and Executive Director, Center for Budget & Policy Priorities
Mr. Nick Grouf; CEO, PeoplePC
Ms. Gloria Guerrero; President and CEO, Rural Development and Finance Corporation
Prof. Bronwyn H. Hall; Associate Professor of Economics, University of California, Berkeley
Mr. William R. Hambrecht; W.R. Hambrecht & Company, LLC
Dr. Idit Harel; CEO and Founder, MaMaMedia, Inc.
Hon. Ruth R. Harkin ; United Technologies Corporation
Hon. Alexis M. Herman; Secretary of Labor
Mrs. Debra Hickerson; Executive Director, National Association of Women Business Owners
Mr. Norman Hill; President, A. Philip Randolph Institute
Hon. Robert D. Hormats; Vice Chairman, Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Ms. Lyric Merrie Hughes; President, T.L.I. International Corporation
Hon. Reed E. Hundt; Senior Adviser, Information Industries, McKinsey and Company, Inc.
Mr. Jerry J. Jasinowski; President, National Association of Manufacturers
Mr. Philip Jefferson; Swarthmore College
Mr. Robert L. Johnson; Chairman & CEO, Black Entertainment Television
Ms. Roberta R. Katz; President and CEO, TechNet
Dr. Henry Kaufman; President, Henry Kaufman Company, Inc.
Mr. Jimmy Kemp; Empower America
Ms. Nancy Killefer; McKinley and Co
Mr. Orin S. Kramer; General Partner, Kramer Spellman, L.P.
Mr. Michael Kremer; Professor, Harvard University
Mr. Robert Kuttner; Founder and Co-Editor, The American Prospect
Mr. Robert Lawrence; Member, Council of Economic Advisors
Hon. Jack Lew; Director, Office of Management and Budget
Dr. Robert Litan; Vice President of Economic Studies, The Brookings Institution
Ms. Lisa M. Lynch; William L. Clayton Professor of International Economic Affairs, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University
Mr. John H. Makin; American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
Dr. Julianne M. Malveaux; President and CEO, Last Word Productions, Inc.
Prof. Nicholas G. Mankiw; Department of Economics, Harvard University
Mr. William Marshall; President, Progressive Policy Institute
Hon. Sylvia M. Mathews; Assistant to the President and Deputy Director, Office of Management and Budget
Hon. David McCurdy; Electronics Industries Alliance
Ms. Susan McNeil; American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
Hon. Thomas F. "Mack" McLarty; Vice Chairman, Kissinger McLarty Associates
Ms. Nina McLemore; Managing Partner, Regent Capital Partners
Rev. James T. Meeks; Rainbow PUSH Coalition
Hon. Joseph J. Minarik; Associate Director for Economic Policy, Office of Management and Budget
Mr. L. Ray Moncrief; Vice President, Kentucky Highlands Investment Corporation
Dr. Marilyn Moon; Senior Fellow, The Urban Institute
Mr. James W. Morrison; Senior Policy Advisor, National Association for the Self Employed
Ms. Melissa Moss; President and CEO, Women's Consumer Network
Ms. Alicia Munell; Director, Center for Retirement Research, Peter F. Drucker Chair in Management Services, Wallace E. Carroll School of Management, Boston College
Prof. William D. Nordhaus; Professor, Department of Economics, Yale University
Mr. Larry L. Orr; Chief Economist, ABT Associates
Mr. Peter Orszag; President, Sebago Associates, Inc.
Hon. John D. Podesta; Chief of Staff to the President, The White House
Ms. Kim Polese; President and CEO, Marimba, Inc.
Mr. James Lee Price; Chief Economist, Department of Commerce
Prof. Robert D. Putnam; Peter and Isabel Malkin Professor of Public Policy, Harvard University
Mr. Ramon Rodriguez; United States - Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Steven L. Rattner; Quadrangle Group
Dr. Earl S. Richardson; President, Morgan State University
Mr. Jerry A. Rickett; President, CEO, Kentucky Highlands Investment Corporation
Hon. Alice M. Rivlin; Senior Fellow and Johnson Chair, The Brookings Institution
Mr. William M. Rodgers; Department of Labor
Ms. Elisa Maria Sanchez; President, Mexican American's Women's National Association (MANA)
Prof. Richard Santos; Professor, University of New Mexico
Ms. Isabel Sawhill; Director of Administration, Urban Institute
Hon. Charles L. Schultze; Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution
Mr. Derek Scott; Personal Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Prof. Amartya Sen; Master, Trinity College, Cambridge University
Ms. Gail Shaffer; CEO, Business and Professional Women USA
Hon. Donna E. Shalala; Secretary of Health and Human Services
Hon. Robert Shapiro; Under Secretary, Department of Commerce
Ms. Kathryn Shaw; Council of Economic Advisers
Prof. Robert J. Shiller; Stanley B. Resor Professor of Economics, Yale University
Hon. Gerry Sikorski; Partner, Offices of Holland and Knight
Ms. Margaret C. Simms; Vice-President for Research, Joint Center for Economic & Political Studies
Ms. Barbara Simons; President, Association for Computing Machinery
Mr. Allen Sinai; Chief Global Economist and President, Primark Decision Economics, Inc.
Hon. Rodney E. Slater; Secretary of Transportation
Mr. David A. Smith; Director, Public Policy Department, AFL-CIO
Mr. Edward M. Smith; Vice President and Midwest Regional Manager, Laborer's International Union of North America
Dr. Sung Won Sohn; Senior Vice President, Wells Fargo Bank
Ms. Robyn W. Spencer; Executive Director, Business Women's Network
Hon. Gene Sperling; Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and Director, National Economic Council
Dr. William Spriggs; Executive Director, Office of Research and Public Policy of National Urban League
Mr. Bruce Steinberg; Chief Economist, Merrill Lynch
Mr. Joshua L. Steiner; Quadrangle Group
Mr. Eugene Steuerle; Senior Fellow, Urban Institute
Hon. Joseph E. Stiglitz; The Brookings Institution
Mr. Charles F. Stone
Hon. Lawrence H. Summers; Secretary of the Treasury
Mr. David Sutphen; General Counsel, Office of Senator Kennedy
Ms. Diane Swonk; Chief Economist, Bank One Corporation
Prof. John B. Taylor; Mayr and Robert Raymond Professor of Economics, Stanford University
Mr. Richard Thoman; CEO, Xerox Corporation
Mr. Kermit Thomas; National Black Chamber of Commerce
Hon. Karen A. Tramontano; Assistant to the President and Counselor to the Chief of Staff, The White House
Mr. John Alfred Turner; Minority Business Enterprise Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Mr. Kaleil Tuzman; Co-Founder and CEO,
Dr. Hal Ronald Varian; Professor and Dean School of Information and Management, University of California, Berkeley
Mr. David W. Wilcox; Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy, Department of the Treasury
Prof. William Julius Wilson; Weiner Professor of Social Policy, JFK School of Government, Harvard University
Hon. James D. Wolfensohn; President, The World Bank
Mr. Edward Yardeni; Chief Economist, Deutsche Bank
Hon. Janet Yellen; University of California, Berkeley