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The White House COnference on School
Morning Plenary Session: Led By First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton - 10:30 - 11:30 AM (EDT)

Afternoon Panel I: Discussion Of The Causes And Prevention Of Youth Violence That Affect Our Community - 12:45 - 2:30 PM (EDT)

Afternoon Panel II: Discussion Of Initiatives And Strategies That Work To Reduce Youth Violence - 2:45 - 4:00 PM (EDT)

On October 15, 1998 President Bill Clinton will be joined by First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and Vice President Al Gore, in hosting the White House Conference on School Safety: Causes and Prevention of Youth Violence. The Conference will be a day-long event in the East Room of the White House that will include: workshops on various issues surrounding youth violence, a morning panel discussion with experts in the field and an afternoon panel that will explore some of the best practices and model safety strategies currently being employed throughout the country.

Although schools remain among the safest places for America's young people, one incident of violent crime in a school is one too many. The Conference's goals include: building on the existing body of knowledge about young people and aggressive or violent behavior; listening and learning from students, parents, teachers, law enforcement and other experts about the safety of our children both in and out of school; sharing best practices and exploring new solutions; and developing strategies to put these safety models in place in schools and communities across the nation. The White House Conference on School Safety will work toward finding solutions to this challenge: How do schools, families and communities work together to make sure that every child is safe in every school in America?

At hundreds of sites throughout the country, community leaders are taking part in the conference via satellite downlink. If you would like to register as a downlink site, please click here.

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