Pretrip Speeches

Concerning Russia:

Remarks by Presidents Clinton, Chirac, and Yeltsin, and NATO Secretary General Solana At NATO/Russia Founding Act Ceremony. May 27, 1997

Remarks By President Clinton and President Yeltsin at Joint Press Conference, March 21, 1997

Remarks By President Clinton and President Yeltsin at Joint Press Conference, April 21, 1996

Concerning Ireland or Northern Ireland:

Remarks By The President On The Northern Ireland Peace Accord, April 10, 1998

Remarks By The President On The Northern Ireland Peace Accord Referendum, May 21, 1998

Remarks By The President And Prime Minister Bruton At St. Patrick's Day Reception, March 17, 1995

Remarks By The President and First Lady At The Lighting Of The Belfast Christmas Tree, November 30, 1995

Remarks By The President To The Citizens Of Londonberry, November 30, 1995

Remarks By The President At Ulster University, November 30, 1995

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