Davenport, Iowa Central High School: Investing in Facilities to Support Student Achievement. Built in 1907, Central High School is the oldest school in Davenport, Iowa, with antique wooden lockers and outdated facilities. Davenport is currently undertaking a comprehensive renovation of their high schools and Central High School is the last to begin this process. The planned renovation at Central includes an expansion of the media center, expansion of classrooms, upgrading of the science lab, and upgrading of the electrical, communication, and ventilation systems. At Central High, President Clinton will call on Congress to help communities address the school infrastructure crisis created by rising enrollments and aging buildings. The President has sent a plan to Congress that would provide tax credits to states and localities to build and modernize 6,000 schools nationwide. In addition, the President's budget includes an emergency school construction initiative that would provide funds to states and school districts for emergency repairs on 5,000 schools a year. Central has 1439 students, 33 percent of whom receive free and reduced-price lunch, 29 percent of whom are minorities. Fact Sheets | Remarks | Home