Panelists for the White 
House Conference on Child Care

Conference panelists will include:

Dr. Susan S. Aronson. Member of American Academy of Pediatrics, National Board. Dr. Aronson will address the role of health professionals in improving the quality of child care, specifically in improving health and safety.

Dr. Aronson can be reached at 610-664-3923.

Brigadier General John G. Meyer, Jr. Chief of Public Affairs United States Army. Brigadier General Meyer will discuss the military's child care delivery system and the components that make it exemplary, also providing an historical perspective on the military's commitment.

Brigadier General Meyer can be reached at 703-695-5135.

Mr. Doug Price. President of FirstBank of Colorado. Mr. Price will address the role of business leaders in meeting child care needs.

Doug Price can be reached at 303-235-1100.

Ms. Michelle Seligson. Founder and director, National Institute on Out-of-School Time, formerly the School-Age Child Care Project at Wellesley College Center for Research on Women. Ms. Seligson will address why after-school care is important to e nhance children's development, school-readiness, and safety to prevent at-risk behavior, and will examine existing after-school opportunities.

Michelle Seligson can be reached at 617-283-2547.

Members of the Cabinet participating in the White House Conference on Child Care will include:

Secretary of Education Richard Riley
Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin
Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala

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