Tuesday, November 25, 1997
Vancouver, CanadaMorning Session of the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting
Great Hall of the Museum of Anthropology
University of British Columbia
Upon arrival at the University of British Columbia President Clinton will sign a commemorative scroll before proceeding to a brief reception in the Ceramics Gallery.
Issues that are likely to be addressed at the morning session include sustainable development and infrastructure matters as well as efforts to manage the globalization of domestic economies, the need to build domestic constituencies for trade liberalization and the future of the world trading system.
Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia
The Museum of Anthropology (MOA) houses one of the world's finest displays of Northwest Coast First Nations art in an award-winning building overlooking mountains and sea. Designed by Canadian architect Arthur Erickson, its concrete and glass structure is inspired by the post-and-beam structures of Northwest Coast First Nations. MOA's Great Hall displays huge totem poles, feast dishes, and canoes of the Kwakwaka'wakw, Nisga'a, Gitksan, Haida and Coast Salish peoples, while the Masterpiece Gallery exhibits carved works in silver, gold, stone, and wood. The outdoor sculpture complex includes two Haida Houses and ten poles and features the work of some of the finest contemporary First Nations artists of the Northwest Coast.
The Museum has the world's largest collection of works by Haida artist Bill Reid. These include Reid's famous sculpture in cedar, The Raven and the First Men, two large sculptures in the Great Hall-Bear and Sea Wolf (Wasco) -as well as a number of smaller works in the Masterpiece Gallery and Research Collections. In 1994, the Museum opened a new permanent display of his smaller works in gold, silver, wood and argillite. The Koerner Ceramics Gallery features a 600-piece collection of 15th to 19th century European ceramics, as well as specially commissioned ceramics and textiles by contemporary Vancouver artists.
The Museum's extensive Visible Storage Galleries makes more than 15,000 objects from the collections accessible to the public. Arranged according to culture and use, the Visible Storage Galleries invite individual exploration, comparison, and contrast of materials from cultures from all over the world.
Special programs and exhibitions are presented throughout the year. Many temporary exhibits highlight the history and culture of First Nations people in British Columbia and the work of contemporary First Nations artists in Canada and the United States. APEC Leaders Lunch
Norman MacKenzie House
University of British Columbia
The Norman MacKenzie House is the official residence of the President of the University of British Columbia and was named in honor of Dr. Norman Archibald MacRae ("Larry") MacKenzie, president of the University of British Columbia from 1944-1962.
Norman MacKenzie House, University of British Columbia
This 7,000 square feet house is the private residence of the university president, Dr. Martha Piper. Built in 1951, the house was renovated in 1983 in the style of a Spanish villa. The house has welcomed many important visitors including royalty from Sweden, Denmark and Japan, and was the site for the first meeting between President Bill Clinton of the United States and Russian President Boris Yeltsin at their Summit in April 1993. The APEC Economic Leaders will lunch in a newly renovated atrium with its outstanding views of Georgia Strait and the Coast Mountains.
APEC Leaders Afternoon Session
Great Hall of the Museum of Anthropology
University of British Columbia
The APEC leaders are expected to discuss efforts to restore and promote financial stability in Southeast Asia, early voluntary sectoral trade liberalization, electronic commerce, climate change and the environment as well as improvements to the Individual Action Plans which are the road maps to free trade and investment in the region by 2010/2020.
The Leaders Meeting is important on two levels. Substantive discussion and issuance of the Leaders' Declaration will set the course for follow-on work and shape the agenda for APEC 1998. Also, Asian-Pacific Leaders working together informally, without staff, signals that problems can be managed and conflict can be avoided through direct engagement.
Presentation of the Declaration
Great Hall of the Museum of Anthropology
University of British Columbia
The APEC Leaders will join Prime Minister Chretien in the Great Hall as he reads the APEC '97 Leaders' Declaration; it will define how the Vancouver meeting will help achieve the vision of an Asia Pacific community and cooperation for sustainable development. It will be a concise statement that highlights APEC's progress in 1997.
Remarks to U.S. Consulate Community
Norman MacKenzie House
University of British Columbia
The United States maintains six consulates in addition to the American Embassy in Ottawa. A staff of nine Americans and 40 Canadian nationals supports Vancouver Consul General Jay Bruns.
The American Consulate in Vancouver handles a very heavy caseload of visa applications and American citizen concerns, as well as numerous customs, immigration and border matters. The consulate includes a very active foreign commercial section.
Following his remarks to the U.S. Consulate Community, President Clinton will depart for Vancouver International Airport and the return flight to Washington, D.C.