1998 Asian and Pacific American Heritage Related Events

Tuesday, May 5 Location: Crystal City, Virginia
Tai-Chi Workshop organized by Commerce's Patent and Trademark Office (PTO)
Thursday, May 7 Location: Lobby of the Herbert C. Hoover Building
Deputy Secretary Robert L. Mallett will provide opening remarks, and George Takei of Star Trek will follow as featured speaker. A reception will follow this event. Additional activities include a cross-cultural film series at Main Commerce and a poster exhibit, titled "America is in the Heart," which will travel to Commerce's five metropolitan locations.
Tuesday, May 12 Location: Crystal City, Virginia
Career development workshop organized by Commerce's Patent and Trademark Office (PTO)
Tuesday, May 19 Location: Crystal City, Virginia
Asian writing demonstration and fashion show organized by Commerce's Patent and Trademark Office (PTO)
Wednesday, May 20 Location: Crystal City, Virginia
Panel discussion on "PTO 2000"
Thursday, May 21 Location: Suitland, Maryland
The Census Bureau will conduct an outdoor festival that reflects the national theme for the month, "Pursuing Progress." The topic for the main speaker, Juanita Tamyo Lott, is "We Are What We Eat: Self Identity and Group Solidarity."
Thursday, May 28 Location: Crystal City, Virginia
PTO's official observant will feature Representative Jim Moran.
**DOD is working closely with the Federal Asian/Pacific American Council (FAPAC) and the Asian/Pacific American Federal Foreign Affairs Council (APAFFAC)
Monday, May 4 Location: Crystal City Double Tree Hotel
The Department of the Navy will host a forum before the official opening of the FAPAC Conference on May 4. Ms. Betty Welch, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Civilian Personnel and Equal Employment Opportunity, will give opening remarks.

The Department of the Army will conduct a forum from 1300 to 1600. Mr. Luther L. Santiful, Director of the Army's Equal Employment Opportunity Agency, will give opening remarks. The Army Forum will focus on leadership and career development and enhancement issues that may affect advancement opportunities for civilian employees. DA will also provide a recruitment exhibit and literature.
Tuesday, May 5 Location: Senate Dirksen Office Building
FAPAC's Congressional Seminar
May 5 -6 Location: Conference on topics such as professional development in the military, managing diversity in the military, sexual harassment in the uniformed services, and the military complaint process. FAPAC will present Leadership Awards to military personnel at a banquet on May 6.
Thursday, May 7 Location:
Mr. William E. Lefwich, III, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Equal Opportunity, will be a Keynote Speaker during the FAPAC luncheon program on "Coalition Building."
Wednesday, May 13 Location:
APAFFAC Professional Development Program. The morning session will honor Filipino Americans, celebrate the 100th anniversary of the U.S.-Philippines relationship, and address related political, security, and economic issues. The afternoon session will focus on leadership education for Asian/Pacific Americans. Asian/Pacific American Flag and general officers in the U.S. military services will be recognized during the day.

Questions about DoD participation in these events may be directed to DoD's Principal Director for Equal Opportunity, Mr. Claiborne D. Haughton Jr., by E-mail at haughtoc@pr.osd.mil or by telephone at (703) 695-0105 or to the DoD Asian/Pacific American Program Manager, Ms. Judith C. Gilliom, by E-mail at gilliomj@pr.osd.mil or by telephone at (703) 697-8661. Both are in the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Equal Opportunity.
Tuesday, May 12 Location: USIA Conference Room, 1:00 P.M.
"Asian Pacific Americans: Pursuing Programs" Keynote Speaker is Mr. J.D. Hokoyama, President and Executive Director of Leadership Education for Asian Pacific Americans. Jointly sponsored by the Department of Education, the U.S. Small Business Administration, the Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Information Agency, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The Asian Pacific Americans at Education (APAED), an Asian and Pacific American Organization of employees from the U.S. Department of Education, will celebrate the Presidential Proclamation on Asian and Pacific American Heritage Month with cultural activities; lecture series on Asian Awareness that includes its monthly "Lessons from Asia"; Asian food festivals, a children's' Asian Awareness program; and a recognition program to highlight accomplishments and contributions of Asian and Pacific Americans (APAs) within our Department and in the federal government.

Other on-going programs and activities and initiatives that support the mission of APAED include: the community affairs program that focuses on identifying opportunities that promote the community spirit --a cornerstone APA value; the cultural awareness program that highlights the diversity and beauty of Asian cultures for non- Asian audiences; the growth and development program that is designed to enhance understanding about a variety of current issues through the APAED speaker series; the liaison program that brings together APA communities with the U.S. Department of Education and other private and public organizations; and the mentoring program that fosters mentoring relationships that focuses on supporting the growth and development of Asian Pacific Americans within the Department.

For more information, please call APAED's Acting Chair, Ali Khan, (202)708-6731.
Thursday, May 14 Smithsonian Institution will present an historical exploration of the Manila Galleon Trade, followed by a cultural program and food tasting at the Department of Energy's Forrestal Building.
Wednesday, May 20 Location: Germantown Building
Program and participatory workshop on T'ai Chi Ch'uan
Sunday, April 26 Location: Los Angeles
Dedication of the Manzanar National Historic Site: The City of Los Angeles transferred the land giving title to the National Park Service (NPS) to complete the process of creating the Historic Site on the grounds of the former Manzanar Internment Camp. The site will stand as a powerful witness to this tragic episode in our nation's history through its ability to educate future generations of Americans. In 1996, the NPS completed a General Management Plan for the Historic Site that proposes to maintain and manage the site as a cultural landscape based on the World War II relocation center period. Features proposed include conversion of the historic camp auditorium to an interpretive center and the creation of a network of wayside exhibits throughout the mile-square camp, accessible to visitors by a tour route around the periphery of the camp.
April 2-January 5, 1999 Location: Ellis Island Immigration Museum, a part of the National Park Service, in New York City
Japanese American National Museum Exhibit Opens on Ellis Island: The award-winning exhibition, "America's Concentration Camps: Remembering the Japanese American Experience," which drew record crowds to the Japanese American National Museum in 1994 and 1995. Over 700 people, which included former internees and those Japanese Americans that were processed through Ellis Island, attended the opening. The exhibition details the World War II experiences of 120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry who were unconstitutionally forced to leave their homes and business on the West Coast and Hawaii and live in desolate camps located in seven states west of the Mississippi River. Japanese Americans as well as individuals of German and Italian ancestry were also held at Ellis Island and elsewhere by the U.S. Government. Ellis Island's role as a detention facility during World War II is explored in the exhibit.
Saturday, May 16 Location: Presidio in San Francisco.
A Remembrance Ceremony: the Presidio National Park Service: will join the National Japanese American Historical Society in sponsoring a ceremony of remembrance, "Return & Remembrance." Fifty-six years ago, important events occurred at the Presidio which changed the course of Japanese American history. Military proclamations (authorized by Executive Order 9066) ordered the mass removal and incarceration of 120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry; and the Presidio was home to the first secret Army language school of Nisei linguists one month before Pearl Harbor. Congressman Robert Matsui and author Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston will be keynote speakers.
Saturday, May 16 Location: Angel Island, San Francisco
Angel Island to be Designated as a National Historic Landmark: Angel Island was the point of entry for many Chinese Americans immigrants. It is know as the Ellis Island of the west. Many immigrants were detained for long periods of time on the Island, some for years. Their stories and plight are memorialized in poems that were carved on wooden posts in the Immigration Station. The celebration will include huge blow-ups of historic photographs of immigrants on Angel Island dotting the grounds with actors in period costume bringing the images to life and interacting with visitors. The actors will play a Japanese picture bride, Chinese detainees, a Russian immigrant and a missionary.
Monday, May 11 Location: Region 9
Kaleidoscope --Asian Pacific American culture and artifacts will be exhibited.
Tuesday, May 13 Location: Region 9
Honoring Asian Americans who served in World War II by hosting Yoshiro Tokiwa, a member of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team --one of the most decorated units in World War II. He will place his experience in the war in historical context to forced relocation and internment of Japanese Americans.
Thursday, May 14 Location: EPA Headquarters in Washington D.C.
Cultural program -cultural performances representing the cultures of Bali, the Philippines, and Hawaii. Assistant Administrator for Water Robert Perciasepe and Assistant Administrator for International Affairs William Nitze will participate. Representative Patsy Mink will be featured as a guest speaker and the program will conclude with a sampling of Asian Pacific cultural foods.
Tuesday, May 19 Location: Region 9
Panel discussion on environmental and political issues affecting the Pacific Islands.
May 4 -29 Location: 1400 Corridor of the Main Justice Building.
A historical exhibit entitled, "Chinatown DC: A Photographic Journal," will be on display. All are welcome to attend.
Thursday, May 14 Location: Conference Room B of the Main Justice Building, 10:30am
Special program --Byron N. Kunisawa, a nationally recognized consultant and author, will be presenting "A Dialogue on Diversity." This program which will be held to provide employees, managers and supervisors an understanding of
Friday, May 8 Location: Washington Hilton Hotel
Secretary Rodney Slater will make a presentation before the Asian- Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies Dinner.
Tuesday, May 12 Location: DOT/Nassif building.
The Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA) will celebrate APA Month with an "Asian Language and Culture Workshop." The workshop will have Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Indian employees demonstrating their native language(s) and provided information concerning the culture of the homeland. Participants will learn how political forces helped shape the featured written and spoken languages. Participants can hear and learn simple greeting. Handouts will be provided that highlight the number system in these other languages. Asian "finger food" samples will be provided. In addition, the RSPA Asian-Pacific American Month Committee is providing assistance to the Departmental Asian American Month celebration program held on May 20.
Wednesday, May 20 Location: DOT Nassif Building
Trainers from Transportation Administration Service Center (TASC) DOT Connection and TASC Human Resource Services are teaching a Job Search Workshop to two groups of 50 students each --high school and college age.
The following Treasury Heritage Month Events are hosted for the Treasury Department's staff.
Thursday, May 7 Irene Natividad, Executive Director of Philippines American Foundation will be speaking on empowering Asian Americans in the workplace.
Tuesday, May 12 Susan Au Allen, President of the United States Pan Asian Chamber of Commerce will be speaking about the Chamber's work. Secretary Rubin will join Daphne Kwok, President of the Organization for Chinese Americans, to kick off Asian Pacific American month activities. Ms. Kwok will present the keynote address.
May 13 and 27 Treasury will sponsor the Asian Pacific Lunch -Time Movie series, and the films will begin at noon and will play continuously until 2:00 p.m. in the Grant Room.
May 20 Audrey Hong, Program Manager with the Department of Justice, will give a seminar on "Perceptions of a Chinese American". The seminar will feature an exhibit of some of the cooking utensils and fashions of Asian Americans
May 21 The Dance/Martial Arts Presentation will be held on May 21 in the Bell Entrance or Hamilton Place at 2:00 p.m. The dance will be preformed by Ni-Cheng Liang from George Washington University and the martial arts demonstrated by members of the Tai-Chi group
May 26 (tentative) Treasury employees will present a showcase of Asian American books and art from their private collections
Thursday, May 28 Byron Kunisawa, diversity consultant, lecturer, and author, will speak and conduct interactive training on assertive communication skills.
May 28 or 29 (tentative) Heritage Month activities will conclude with a reception of community business leaders in the Diplomatic Reception Room.
Wednesday, May 13 Location: VA Central Office, 810 Vermont Ave, NW
Guest Speaker: Tina Sung, Director
Federal Quality Consulting Group
National Partnership for Reinventing Government
Thursday, May 21 Location: VA Central Office, 810 Vermont Ave, NW
Guest speaker: General David Kaleokaika Cooper,
founder and President of The Pacific American Foundation
Federal Advisory Committee on Minority Affairs
The programs will explore and enhance the theme for 1998 "Pursuing Progress." They are designed to educate and inform on matters concerning individuals of Asian Pacific heritage. VA is also issuing an all station letter that announces Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and provides suggested activities for VA offices and facilities to assist them in planning programs to observe Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.

For further information contact Mari Horak, Human Resources Management, at 202-273-9721, or Ellis Jones Hodges, Director, Affirmative Action, at 202-273-7632.

APA Heritage Month
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