"I believe in the information age the role of the government is to empower people with the tools to make the most of their lives, to tear down the barriers of that objective, and to create conditions within which we can go forward together." - President William J. Clinton "Technological leadership is vital to the national interests of the United States. Most of the Federal Research and education investment portfolio enjoyed bipartisan support during the first term of the Clinton Administration. I would hope that we can continue to extend this partnership with Congress across our entire science and technology agenda." - John Podesta, Chief of Staff to President Clinton, Remarks on R&D Funding at the National Press Club, September 1, 1999 "Innovation - the transformation of knowledge into new products, processes, and services - involves more than just science and technology. National policy and public institutions create and environment that can encourage or detract from firm's innovative activity." - John Yochelson, President, Council on Competitiveness "The federal and state governments must ensure the strength and adequacy of the knowledge base, the skills, and the institutions that promote economic trade and competitiveness and seek to remove disincentives to private innovation and risk taking. This event will go some ways towards expanding the dialog between government and business on these points." - Lewis M. Branscomb, Aetna Professor Emeritus of Public Policy and Corporate Management, John F. Kennedy School of Government "Industry's recent strong investments in R&D, particularly discovery research, and increased collaboration among industry, universities, and government labs, make this an ideal time to reexamine the innovation infrastructure and mechanisms for enhancing innovation in the United States as we anticipate even stronger global competition in the coming decades." - Charles F. Larson, Executive Director, Industrial Research Institute |
The National Science and Technology Council's Summit on Innovation: Federal Policy for the New Millennium.at The George Washington University Marvin Center The Federal role in supporting scientific and technological innovation is receiving growing attention. Recent years have seen a number of reviews and articles highlighting the Federal government's role in the innovation process. The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) in association with several key national groups, is convening a Summit on Innovation to explore the future direction and properties for federal support of innovation. The Summit on Innovation will provide the NSTC with valuable public input as it develops Federal policy to enhance innovation into the new millennium. The Summit will bring together high level experts on the innovation process from a broad range of organizations: business, government, non-profit institutions, and the research community. Drawing on these diverse perspectives, it will examine both obstacles to and opportunities for enhanced innovation. In preparation for this event, Dr. Neal Lane, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, issued a call for papers. Issue papers received in response to that call may be viewed here. The NSTC is sponsoring the summit in association with the Council on Competitiveness, the Industrial Research Institute, the Science and Technology Policy Institute at RAND, the State Science and Technology Institute, and the Woodrow Wilson Institute and the Center for International Science and Technology Policy at The George Washington University. Online registration information and a final agenda are now available. For more information, please send email to innovationsummit@rand.org.
The National Science and Technology Committee would like to thank the following for submitting papers for the Summit: