Office of Science and Technology Policy

For Immediate Release  202-456-6047 October 14, 1999

Research Misconduct - A New Definition and New Procedures for Federal Research Agencies

The Administration proposed today a new government-wide Federal policy that addresses research misconduct.  The policy, developed by the National Science and Technology Council, consists of a definition of research misconduct and establishes basic guidelines for the conduct of fair and timely investigations of alleged or suspected infractions.  The policy will apply to all Federally-funded research regardless of where the research is conducted or by whom.

Neal Lane, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, called the new policy "a hallmark of the Administration's commitment to integrate public values with our strong scientific and technological enterprise."  Lane added that "this policy provides needed consistency and clear guidance to the research community about the government's interest in the integrity of the research record.  We must sustain the public's trust in the methods and results of our public research."

Once implemented, this policy will establish uniformity among the Federal agencies' definition of research misconduct and consistency in their processes for responding to allegations of research misconduct.  Additionally, it provides clear guidance to the research community about the government requirements needed to sustain public trust in our publicly-funded scientific and engineering enterprise.

Following a 60-day comment period, the NSTC will issue a final policy which the agencies will implement.

The proposed policy is published in the October 14, 1999 edition of the Federal Register, and will also be posted on the NSTC website at

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