Resource Use and Management

The goal of federal R&D on resource use and management is to promote the management, conservation, and use of natural resources in ways that sustain and enhance terrestrial and marine ecosystems and the quality of life. This broad goal has three subcomponents: (1) link research to resource management at various temporal and spatial scales; (2) develop the science base and the technologies for determining the mix of resources that will promote sustainability; and (3) determine how best to sustain and use a given resource across landscapes and the seascape.

Many of the goods and services that are essential for society's well-being are provided by forests and rangelands; fisheries; and ore coal, oil, and gas resources. Specific policy questions include: What are the amounts, distribution, and status of various renewable and nonrenewable resources? What are the noncommodity, off-site, or unintended impacts and tradeoffs of resource use and management options? What new or improved management systems or technologies can be developed to further sustainable resource use? What are appropriate roles for local, regional, and national resource management policies, and how can they be integrated?

Relevant Policies, Issues, and Legislation

Current State of Understanding

Research has generated the scientific information base needed to assist the nation in managing its land, water, and mineral resources and in formulating wise environmental policies. Although there is a tremendous array of inventories to assess physical and biological resources, most were initiated to provide resource-specific information. Currently, there is little coordination among these efforts in terms of spatial or temporal scales, and few attempts have been made to harness these data bases to each other. In many cases, it is not new information that is needed but rather the integration of existing data bases.

Research directed at helping resource managers modify management strategies to respond to new scientific information or complex societal demands is insufficient. Research to devise management practices for renewable resources has generally led to the development of systems that maximize one or a few objectives rather than optimizing for many end points simultaneously. For both renewable and nonrenewable resource extraction, the existing methodologies tend to address site-specific impacts reasonably well, with less understanding being developed of off-site impacts, cumulative effects over time, and the consequences of management actions at a specific location on social, economic, and environmental issues at the landscape level.

Research Program

Research on which comprehensive resource use and management decisions depend includes geological and mineral and energy resource assessments and studies of the ecological, economic, and social factors involved in the development and management of offshore oil, gas, and mineral resources. Programs also include the development of new mineral methods of recovery that safeguard workers and prevent environmental harm. Other programs support the efficient and environmentally benign use and management of domestic energy resources; renewable marine and coastal resource and ecosystem health assessments and management; monitoring activities, modeling, and information management; and vessel and aircraft support operations. Research also develops new resource management and restoration practices and assesses the long-term effects of agriculture, forestry, fishing, recreation and environmental changes on the quality and productivity of natural resources.

Areas of Enhanced Emphasis

Selected Milestones, 1995 - 1998

Research Successes - Resource Use and Management

Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Solid Waste

The goal of federal toxic substances and hazardous and solid waste research is to prevent or reduce human and ecological exposure to toxic materials, such as pesticide residues, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and lead, and their adverse consequences by providing the scientific and technical information needed for informed decision and policy-making and effective problem solving.

Toxic substances and solid and hazardous wastes have potential adverse impacts to human health and ecological systems. The nation spends over $100 billion per year on environmental controls, much of which are to address toxic substances and wastes. Control strategies are based on our best understanding of the potential risks and the most effective ways of reducing them. Gaps in our scientific knowledge result in incomplete or inefficient risk identification and management. Filling these gaps reduces the uncertainties in risk assessments and ensures availability of more cost- effective risk management approaches, both of which can improve our levels of protection and the cost effectiveness of management approaches, potentially saving billions of dollars in management costs.

Research on toxic materials focuses on improving the characterization and communication of risks; developing cost-effective policies for managing exposures to toxic materials; and developing cost-effective, innovative solutions for pollution avoidance, control, and remediation.

Relevant Policies, Issues, and Legislation

Current State of Understanding

Research in the area of toxic substances and wastes can be segmented into two categories: risk assessment and risk management (pollution prevention, controls, remediation, and monitoring).

Until recently, most risk assessment efforts for toxic substances focused primarily on potential causes of cancer. The risks of other human health effects (e.g., neurological, developmental, and reproductive) and ecological impacts have received far less attention. Generally speaking, the information available for human health or ecological risk assessments for the more than 70,000 chemicals in commerce is either incomplete or inadequate to estimate risks precisely. Comprehensive data bases on cancer and noncancer end points are available on very few toxic substances. In addition, the data often are inadequate to extrapolate from animals to humans and from high levels of exposure where animal observations are made to much lower levels more characteristic of ambient concentrations of contamination. Differing individual genetic susceptibilities to the toxic effects from environmental chemicals may produce a wide range of responses. The absence of critical data in these areas may lead to large uncertainties in risk estimates. Uncertainties also arise from the unknowns associated with the biological and environmental fate of toxic chemicals.

Past research on risk management has focused heavily on control and remediation technologies and on characterization and monitoring. Emphasis has been placed on field evaluation for remediation technologies. Although many effective technologies have been developed or evaluated, more cost- effective approaches are needed, especially for certain toxics or types of contamination. More recently, research has begun to emphasize pollution prevention. Significant efforts have focused on developing and disseminating crosscutting tools and methods for evaluating pollution prevention alternatives. Some generic process research, as well as joint research with certain industry sectors, has also been done, but much greater emphasis is needed in these latter areas.

Research Program

Important ongoing research is being conducted on risk assessment, including research to assess and reduce the impacts associated with exposure to toxic materials, methods and predictive models, fate and transport processes to assess exposure, and data integration to characterize risks. In the area of risk management, research activities are focusing on developing and demonstrating technologies for reducing and preventing the generation of toxic materials, controlling their release into the environment, and remediating hazardous waste sites. The intent is to cost-share risk management activities through dollar leveraging to stretch federal R&D funding for improved cost and program effectiveness.

Areas of Enhanced Emphasis

Selected Milestones, 1995 - 1998

Research Successes - Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Solid Waste

Water Resources and Coastal and Marine Environments

The goal of research on water resources and coastal and marine environments is to provide the scientific basis for managing water resources and aquatic environments to ensure adequate, quality water resources for domestic, industrial, agricultural, fishery, transportation, recreation, and other uses to meet equitably and efficiently the needs of present and future generations and to ensure the integrity, productivity, diversity, and vitality of lake, stream, estuary, and ocean coastal ecosystems. Research focuses on characterizing the status and predicting trends in the quality, distribution, and use of the nation's water resources and aquatic ecosystems.

Relevant Policies, Issues, and Legislation

Current State of Understanding

Many groundwater and surface water systems are hydraulically connected, and land-use and water-use practices within those watersheds affect water quality. However, management decisions and monitoring programs frequently are based only on surface water or groundwater quantity and quality considerations and, therefore, are too narrowly focused. Management of and policies regarding the availability, quality, and flow of water resources are dependent on integrated models of these resource systems, especially the dynamics of their physical, chemical, and biological interactions. Existing models lack the complexity required to realistically simulate actual conditions and are of limited use in projecting system response to future conditions. For important issues such as competition for limited water resources, which results in conflicts between irrigation, industrial, and municipal water use and requirements for hydroelectric peaking power, recreation, and endangered species habitat protection, new modeling capability is evolving that will couple climatic, meteorological, hydrological, and river-basin management models to aid management and policy decisions. However, at present many decisions on watershed management, land use, and water quality regulation are still being based on overly simplistic understanding of complex natural conditions.

The cumulative effects of waste disposal, toxic chemical contamination, and watershed alteration have resulted in severe but generally local degradation of the nation's water quality and accompanying aquatic environments. Currently, no integrated understanding exists of the nonpoint sources of contamination and the combined effects of these contaminants on water resources and ecosystems. An ability to understand and predict cumulative effects on water resources and ecosystems is needed for efficient and effective solutions.

Some progress has been made in understanding the effects on coastal and inland aquatic ecosystems of nutrient and sediment loading, toxic chemicals, and water diversions. Less progress has been made in understanding the structure and function of sensitive habitats and the cumulative effects of disturbance. This type of information is needed to improve management decisions that must balance resource use with a sustainable system and for the definition of criteria for determining whether restoration is appropriate or successful. Developing a predictive understanding of the interactions among natural forces, environmental quality, ecosystem use, and their relationship to social and economic dynamics is essential to moving systems management from a reactive mode to a proactive one that benefits both societal and natural systems.

Research Program

Vital ongoing research includes nationwide assessments using remote sensing techniques and in situ observations to collect data. Advanced mapping methods of the sources and processes that affect the movement of water, sediment, and chemical constituents are being developed. Other research activities focus on understanding the structure, function, and dynamics of land margins and other aquatic ecosystems, including how specific habitats function to support living marine resources and how these linkages are affected by human and natural stresses. Models of aquatic ecosystems, indicators of ecosystem health, and methods and protocols for restoring water resources and aquatic ecosystems are being developed. In addition, predictive systems management techniques are being developed for integrating multiple geographic data bases and applications into geographic information systems. These will be used to develop appropriate strategies for regional ecosystem management.

Areas of Increased Emphasis

Selected Milestones, 1995 - 1998

Research Successes - Water Resources and Coastal and Marine Environments

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