Abbreviation/Acronym List

BOCA Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc.
BOR Department of Interior Bureau of Reclamation
BSSC Building Seismic Safety Council
CEA Council of Economic Advisors
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CE Corps of Engineers
CSSC California Seismic Safety Commission
CTI Critical Technologies Institute
DOC Department of Commerce
DOD Department of Defense
DOE Department of Energy
DOI Department of Interior
DOT Department of Transportation
DVA Department of Veterans Affairs
EERI Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
GIS Geographic Information System
GPS Global Positioning System
GSA General Services Administration
GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center
HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development
HHS Department of Health and Human Services
ICSSC (Federal) Interagency Committee on Seismic Safety in Construction
IDNDR International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction
IRIS Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NAVFAC Navy Facilities Command
NCEE National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research
NCS National Communications Service
NEC National Economic Council
NEHRP National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program
NEP National Earthquake loss reduction Program
NESW National Earthquake Strategy Working Group
NIS National Institute of Standards and Technology
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NSF National Science Foundation
NSTC National Science and Technology Council
NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission
OES Office of Emergency Services (California)
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OSTP Office of Science and Technology Policy
OTA Congressional Office of Technology Assessment
PMEL Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratories
SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar
SCEC Southern California Earthquake Center
SCEPP Southern California Earthquake Preparedness Project
SI Smithsonian Institution
USAID United States Agency for International Development
UJNR United States - Japan Cooperative Program on Natural Resources
USGS United States Geological Survey

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Strategy for National Earthquake Loss Reduction