B. AUTHORITY: Executive Order No. 12882, as amended by Executive Orders 12907, 12974, 13062, and 13138.
C. OBJECTIVES, SCOPE OF ACTIVITIES, AND DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES FOR WHICH THE COMMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE: The duties of PCAST are solely advisory. PCAST shall advise the President, through the Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, on matters involving science and technology. In the performance of its advisory duties, PCAST shall assist the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) in securing private sector involvement in its activities.
D. OFFICIAL TO WHOM THE COMMITTEE REPORTS: PCAST shall report to the President through the Assistant to the President for Science and Technology.
E. DURATION AND TERMINATION DATE: PCAST shall terminate 2 years from the date of its Executive Order unless extended prior to that date.
F. AGENCY RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING NECESSARY SUPPORT: The Office of Science and Technology Policy shall provide financial and administrative support.
G. MEMBERSHIP: The President shall appoint not more than 19 members, one of whom shall be the Assistant to the President for Science and Technology and 18 of whom shall be distinguished individuals from the nonfederal sector. PCAST members shall serve without any compensation for their work on PCAST. However, members may be allowed travel expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by law for persons serving intermittently in the government service.
H. ESTIMATE ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS AND STAFF SUPPORT YEARS: It is estimated that the total annual costs of operations will not exceed $200,000. Full time equivalent staff support years is expected to be approximately one year of effort.
I. NUMBER OF MEETINGS: PCAST shall meet as it deems necessary to complete its functions.
J. SUBCOMMITTEES: In consultation with the Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, PCAST is authorized to convene ad hoc working groups.
K. CHAIRPERSON: The President shall designate a Chairperson from among the nonfederal sector PCAST members to co-Chair PCAST with the Assistant to the President for Science and Technology.
Neal F. LaneAssistant to the President for Science and Technology