The Children's Initiative conducted a selected literature review of the following reports, studies, and articles that summarized relevant research on child and adolescent development and recommended areas for future study. The literature review was intended to be comprehensive, not exhaustive.
"Long-Term Outcomes of Early Childhood Programs" (1995), The Future of Children, Center for the Future of Children, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Vol. 5, Los Altos, CA.
"Low Birth Weight" (1995), The Future of Children, Center for the Future of Children, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Vol. 5, Los Altos, CA.
Phillips, D. and Cabrera, N. (eds.) (1996). Beyond the Blueprint, Directions for Research on Head Start's Families, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
Report on NIH Pediatric Research (April 1996). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, Rockville, MD.
Starting Points: Meeting the Needs of Our Youngest Children (1994). Carnegie Corporation. New York, NY.
Tesman, Johanna R. and Hills, Amanda (1994). "Developmental Effects of Lead Exposure in Children," Social Policy Report, Society for Research in Child Development, Vol. 8, pp. 1-16.
Years of Promise: A Comprehensive Learning Strategy for America's Children (1996). Carnegie Corporation. New York, NY.
Great Transitions: Preparing Adolescents for a New Century (1995). The Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development, Carnegie Corporation, New York, NY.
Learning to Work: Making the Transition from School to Work (September 1995). U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, OTA-HER-637, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Millstein, S., Petersen, A., Nightingale, E. (1993). Promoting the Health of Adolescents: New Directions for the 21st Century, Oxford University Press, New York, NY.
Petersen, A., Compas, B., Brooks-Gunn, J., Stemmler, M., Ey, S., and Grant, K. (1993). "Depression in Adolescence," American Psychologist, 48, pp. 155-168.
Takanishi, R. (1993). "Adolescence," American Psychologist, 48(2).
Takanishi, R. (ed.) (1993). Adolescence in the 1990s: Risk and Opportunity, Teachers College Press, Columbia University, New York, NY.
Benefits and Systems of Care for Maternal and Child Health Under Health Care Reform: Workshop Highlights (1994). Committee on Maternal and Child Health Under Health Care Reform. Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, Washington D.C.
Jensen, P., Koretz, D., Locke, B., Schneider, S., Radke-Yarrow, M. Richters, J. and Rumsey, J. (1993) "Child and Adolescent Psychopathology Research: Problems and Prospects for the 1990s," Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 21, pp. 551-580.
National Plan for Research on Child and Adolescent Mental Disorders (1990). The National Advisory Mental Health Council, National Institute of Mental Health, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Learning to Work: Making the Transition from School to Work (September 1995). U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, OTA-HER-637, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Mapping Out the National Assessment of Title I: The Interim Report (1996). U.S. Department of Education, Planning and Evaluation Service, Washington, D.C.
A Nation at Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform (1983). The National Commission on Excellence in Education, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.
Reinventing Chapter 1: The Current Chapter 1 Program and New Directions (1993). U.S. Department of Education, Planning and Evaluation Service, Washington, D.C.
Risks to Students in School (September 1995). U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, OTA-ENV-633, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C.
Way, W. and Rossman, M. (1994). "The Interrelation of Work and Family: A Missing Piece of the Vocational Education Research Agenda," Journal of Vocational Education, 19(2).
Zimmerman, M. and Arunkmar, R. (1994). "Resiliency Research: Implications for Schools and Policy," Social Policy Report, Society for Research in Child Development, 8(4).
New Findings on Children, Families, and Economic Self- Sufficiency: Summary of a Research Briefing (1995). National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
Understanding Child Abuse and Neglect (1993). National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
Violence and the American Family: Report of a Workshop (1995). National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
Violence in Urban America: Mobilizing a Response (1994). Conference Summary, The National Research Council and The John F. Kennedy School of Government, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
Drug Prevention Programs for High-Risk Youth (November 1995). Prepared for the Executive Office of the President, Office of National Drug Control Policy by CSR Incorporated, Washington, D.C.
Increase in Use of Selected Drugs: Monitoring the Future. A Study of 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-Graders (June 1994). Preliminary Final Report, Prepared for the Executive Office of the President, Office of National Drug Control Policy by Richard Clayton and the Ann Arbor Group.
WIC Nutrition Risk Criteria: A Scientific Assessment (1996). Committee on Scientific Evaluation of WIC Nutrition Criteria, Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
"Immigrant Children and Their Families: Issues for Research and Policy," (1995). The Future of Children, 5(2).
Integrating Federal Statistics on Children (1995). National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.
Trends in the Well-Being of America's Children and Youth: 1996 (1996). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Washington, D.C.